Apache spark join with dynamic re-partitionion

五迷三道 提交于 2019-12-04 06:10:05


I'm trying to do a fairly straightforward join on two tables, nothing complicated. Load both tables, do a join and update columns but it keeps throwing an exception.

I noticed the task is stuck on the last partition 199/200 and eventually crashes. My suspicion is that the data is skewed causing all the data to be loaded in the last partition 199.

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT report_audit) FROM ReportDs = 1.5million.


SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ReportDs = 57million.

Cluster details

CPU: 40 cores

Memory: 160G

Here is my sample code:

def main(args: Array[String]) {

  val log = LogManager.getRootLogger

  val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("ExampleJob")
                          //.set("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", "3000")
                          //.set("spark.sql.crossJoin.enabled", "true")
                          .set("spark.storage.memoryFraction", "0.02")
                          .set("spark.shuffle.memoryFraction", "0.8")
                          .set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer")
                          .set("spark.default.parallelism", (CPU * 3).toString)

  val sparkSession = SparkSession.builder()

  val reportOpts = Map(
              "url"     -> s"jdbc:postgresql://$DB_HOST:$DB_PORT/$DATABASE",
              "driver"  -> "org.postgresql.Driver",
              "dbtable" -> "REPORT_TBL",
              "user"    -> DB_USER,
              "password"-> DB_PASSWORD,
              "partitionColumn" -> RPT_NUM_PARTITION,
              "lowerBound" -> RPT_LOWER_BOUND,
              "upperBound" -> RPT_UPPER_BOUND,
              "numPartitions" -> "200"

  val accountOpts = Map(
                "url"     -> s"jdbc:postgresql://$DB_HOST:$DB_PORT/$DATABASE",
                "driver"  -> "org.postgresql.Driver",
                "dbtable" -> ACCOUNT_TBL,
                "user"    -> DB_USER,
                "password"-> DB_PASSWORD,
                "partitionColumn" -> ACCT_NUM_PARTITION,
                "lowerBound" -> ACCT_LOWER_BOUND,
                "upperBound" -> ACCT_UPPER_BOUND,
                "numPartitions" -> "200"

  val sc = sparkSession.sparkContext;

  import sparkSession.implicits._

  val reportDs = sparkSession.read.format("jdbc").options(reportOpts).load.cache().alias("a")

  val accountDs = sparkSession.read.format("jdbc").options(accountOpts).load.cache().alias("c")

  val reportData =  reportDs.join(accountDs, reportDs("report_audit") === accountDs("reference_id"))
                                        .withColumn("report_name", when($"report_id" === "xxxx-xxx-asd", $"report_id_ref_1")
                                                                   .when($"report_id" === "demoasd-asdad-asda", $"report_id_ref_2")
                                                                   .otherwise($"report_id_ref_1" + ":" + $"report_id_ref_2"))
                                        .withColumn("report_version", when($"report_id" === "xxxx-xxx-asd", $"report_version_1")
                                                                       .when($"report_id" === "demoasd-asdad-asda", $"report_version_2")
                                        .withColumn("status", when($"report_id" === "xxxx-xxx-asd", $"report_status")
                                                                .when($"report_id" === "demoasd-asdad-asda", $"report_status_1")

  val prop = new Properties()
  prop.setProperty("user", DB_USER)
  prop.setProperty("password", DB_PASSWORD)
  prop.setProperty("driver", "org.postgresql.Driver")

                  .jdbc(s"jdbc:postgresql://$DB_HOST:$DB_PORT/$DATABASE", "cust_report_data", prop)


I think there should be an elegant way to handle this sort of data skewness.

Any idea please


Your values for partitionColumn, upperBound, and lowerBound could cause this exact behavior if they aren't set correctly. For instance, if lowerBound == upperBound, then all of the data would be loaded into a single partition, regardless of numPartitions.

The combination of these attributes determines which (or how many) records get loaded into your DataFrame partitions from your SQL database.

