Is there a good jQuery Drag-and-drop file upload plugin? [closed]

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-11-26 19:17:01

Have a look at this one:

It also handles multiple file upload!

Check out the recently1 released upload handler from the guys that created the TinyMCE editor. It has a jQuery widget and looks like it has a nice set of features and fallbacks.

Tommy W = great solution

According to their docs, the following browsers support drag & drop:

  • Firefox 4+
  • Safari 5+
  • Google Chrome
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 10.0+

If you are still looking for one, I just released mine:

Works for Firefox 3.6 right now. I decided not to do the Chrome hack for now and let Webkit catch up with FileReader() in the next versions of Safari and Chrome.

This plugin is future compatible.

FileReader() is the official standard over something like XHR.getAsBinary() which is deprecated according to mozilla.

It's also the only HTML5 desktop drag+drop plugin out there that I know of which allows you to send extra data along with the file, including data that can be calculated at the time of upload with a callback function.

If you're looking for one that doesn't rely on Flash then dropzonejs is a good shout. It supports multiple files and drag and drop.

I created a plugin which allows you to drop some files onto a given area. This plugin currently works in Firefox, Safari and Chrome.

Shameless Plug: handles uploading for you and returns a url. It supports drag/drop, cross browser. Also, people can upload from Dropbox/Facebook/Gmail which is super handy on a mobile device.

How about the latest version of jQuery Fileuploader:

Its a powerful file upload plugin, very easy to setup compared to other plugin, and its now support html5 api.
