I'm experimenting with clojure and am trying to get a feel for using 3rd party libraries. I've been able to download some source, bundle it into a jar file with leiningen, put it in my classpath and (use 'lib.etc) in my script. I've also played around with the objects in java.lang.*.
I haven't had any success with 3rd party java, though.
$ java -cp clojure.jar:clojure-contrib.jar:com.jcraft.jsch_0.1.31.jar clojure.main
Clojure 1.1.0
user=> (require 'com.jcraft.jsch)
java.io.FileNotFoundException: Could not locate com/jcraft/jsch__init.class or com/jcraft/jsch.clj on classpath: (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)
$ jar tf com.jcraft.jsch_0.1.31.jar | egrep "(init|clj)"
It looks like an __init.class or .clj file must be created. Is this true, or is there some alternative way that pure java classes are supposed to be loaded?
For java classes use import
(import java.util.ArrayList)
;// or use a prefix for multiple classes:
(import [java.util ArrayList Collection])
;// or preferably in the ns declaration:
(ns my.lib
[:import [java.util ArrayList Collection]])
user=> (def al (ArrayList.))
user=> (.add al "hi")
user=> (.size al)
Note the package and class names do not need to be quoted since import
is a macro.
Also there is no equivalent to import java.util.*;
You need to specify which classes you want to import.
Try using import
for non-clojure stuff.