Activity Idle Timeout for ActivityRecord

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2019-12-04 03:03:21

Oh geez. One of those things that's pretty hard to diagnose outside of trial and error, but I've figured it out. For reference, should anyone else have this problem, it came down to a custom view in my layout. I had added a ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener() to do some layout modifications after the layout pass, but within that listener I modified the layout and thus caused another layout, essentially creating an infinite loop (but somehow not causing an ANR). My solution was like so:

private class BoardLayoutListener implements OnGlobalLayoutListener {
    public void onGlobalLayout() {
        // stuff here

        //REMOVE this listener so that you don't repeat this forever
        ViewTreeObserver obs = SudokuBoard.this.getViewTreeObserver();

This solution is quite ironic, considering my second highest rated answer on StackOverflow specifically deals with this. :P


I've had the same issue today but as it turned out to have a different cause and solution I decided to add the information here just in case it might help someone else.
In my case problem was caused because I had the following line inside my onActivityResult() method:
I Just deleted the line and the problem was gone. This line is usually used to synchronize the debugger with the OS threads but I just figured it shouldn't be used anywhere. Oddly the problem would not appear until I had my phone disconnected from the desktop.

