Why is it not possible to get local variable names using Reflection?

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-12-04 02:57:43

You have to differentiate between the human-readable text-based form of CLI and the machine-readable compiled form of CLI.

In text CLI, local variables indeed can have names (see §II. of ECMA-335, as explained in Damien's answer).

But in the binary form, local variables don't have names. For that, look at §II.23.2.6, where the binary format for a method's local variable signature (list of all its local variables) is specified. And it doesn't contain any mention of variable names:

So, if some tool wants to know the original name of a local variable, it has to look into the debugging information contained in the PDB file. If that's not present, there is no way to find out the name.

I think you're looking at a Debug build. The id part of the .locals declaration is optional - so there's no guarantee that the names are retained.

See MS Partition II which describes the IL Metadata, section for further details:

MethodBodyItem ::= …
   .locals [ init ] ‘(’ LocalsSignature ‘)’
LocalsSignature ::= Local [ ‘,’ Local ]*
Local ::= Type [ Id ]

From MSDN:

Local variable names are not persisted in metadata. In Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL), local variables are accessed by their position in the local variable signature.

I think this is because the variable name you see in ILDasm come from the pdb file, not from the assembly itself. If you want to get them, you'll need to read the pdb too.
