- HTML部分
<div class="outer" id="oneTest"> <div class="inner"> <div class="goIndex item" goUrl="https://www.baidu.com" style="background-image:url(1.jpg)"></div> <div class="goIndex item" goUrl="https://www.baidu.com" style="background-image:url(2.jpg)"></div> <div class="goIndex item" goUrl="https://www.baidu.com" style="background-image:url(3.jpg)"></div> </div> <ul class="num"></ul> </div>
- Css部分
* { margin: 0; padding: 0; } ul { list-style: none; } .outer { margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; height: 150px; overflow: hidden; position: relative; } .inner { height: 150px; overflow: hidden; width: 8000px; } .inner .goIndex { float: left; height: 150px; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center center; background-size: cover; } .num { position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 20%; display: flex; justify-content: center; flex-direction: row; align-items: center; } .num li { margin: 0 3px; width: 8px; height: 8px; border-radius: 50%; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .2); } .num li.select { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .7); }
- 页面中Js部分
//function dGun(obj = {}) 这是dGun.js的主函数 // 初始化两个图片轮播 dGun({id:"oneTest",time:10000}); dGun({id:"twoTest",time:4000}); // 点击后跳转 var goList = document.getElementsByClassName("goIndex"); for (var i = 0; i < goList.length; i++) { goList[i].addEventListener("click", function () { window.location = this.getAttribute("goUrl") }) }
- dGun.js 初始化部分
//function dGun(obj = {}) 包裹全部dGun内代码 var id = obj.id; //获取domid var time = obj.time ? parseInt(obj.time) : 3000; //默认3s time = time > 300 ? time : 1000; //间隔必须大于300 var _width = document.querySelector("#"+id).offsetWidth; //获取轮播图宽度 var _index = 0; //当前是第几个轮播 从-1开始 var inner = document.querySelector("#"+id+" .inner"); //获取轮播内容外壳(很长的那个) var items = document.querySelectorAll("#"+id+" .item"); //获取轮播元素 // 将第一个元素复制到最后,将最后的元素复制到开头 var firstItem = items[0]; var lastItem = items[items.length-1]; inner.insertBefore(lastItem.cloneNode(true),firstItem); inner.appendChild(firstItem.cloneNode(true)); inner.style.transform = "translateX(-"+_width+"px)"; // 生成底部小圆点 var imgLength = document.querySelector("#"+id+" .inner").children.length-2; var makeCir = '<li class="select"></li>'; for (var i = 0; i < imgLength - 1; i++) { makeCir += '<li></li>'; } document.querySelector("#"+id+" .num" ).innerHTML = makeCir; //设置轮播的宽度。 var newItems = document.querySelectorAll("#"+id+" .item"); for(var i = 0; i<newItems.length;i++){ newItems[i].style.width = _width+"px"; }
这里说一下将第一个元素复制到最后,将最后的元素复制到开头,这是实现无缝隙的关键,比如我们有3张图片1/2/3进行轮播,这样我们就需要将dom节点变为3/1/2/3/1,为什么这样做呢,轮播图原理是多个item并列,我们通过translateX进行值的改变显示不同区域,我们先将dom节点变为3/1/2/3/1,然后通过inner.style.transform = "translateX(-"+_width+"px)";这句代码将初始化轮播显示区域放到1这个图片上。然后人们向右滑动,滑动到3的时候,再向右滑应该显示1,而我们dom节点中3的右边就是1,这样向右滑动到末尾1的时候我们快速通过translateX移动到开头1的位置来实现无缝隙轮播。
- 手势滑动实现
var startX = 0, changedX = 0, originX = 0, basKey = 0; //手指点击的X位置 滑动改变X的位置 inner的translateX的值 basKey是个钥匙 function Broadcast() { var that = this; this.box = document.querySelector("#"+id+" .inner"); this.box.addEventListener("touchstart", function (ev) { that.fnStart(ev); }) } // 轮播手指按下 Broadcast.prototype.fnStart = function (ev) { clearInterval(autoPlay); //手指按下的时候清除定时轮播 if (!basKey) { var that = this; startX = ev.targetTouches[0].clientX; var tempArr = window.getComputedStyle(inner).transform.split(","); //获取当前偏移量 if (tempArr.length > 2) { originX = parseInt(tempArr[tempArr.length - 2]) || 0; } this.box.ontouchmove = function (ev) { that.fnMove(ev) } this.box.ontouchend = function (ev) { that.fnEnd(ev) } } }; // 轮播手指移动 Broadcast.prototype.fnMove = function (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); changedX = ev.touches[0].clientX - startX; var changNum = (originX + changedX); this.box.style.cssText = "transform: translateX(" + changNum + "px);"; }; // 轮播手指抬起 Broadcast.prototype.fnEnd = function (ev) { // 移除底部按钮样式 document.querySelector("#"+id+" .select").classList.remove("select"); basKey = 1; setTimeout(function () { basKey = 0; }, 300) if (changedX >= 100) { //向某一方向滑动 var _end = (originX + _width); this.box.style.cssText = "transform: translateX(" + _end + "px);transition:all .3s"; _index--; if (_index == -1) { //滑动到第一个了,为了实现无缝隙,滚到最后去 document.querySelectorAll("#"+id+" .num>li")[imgLength - 1].classList.add("select"); play(-1); } } else if (changedX < -100) { //向负的某一方向滑动 var _end = (originX - _width); this.box.style.cssText = "transform: translateX(" + _end + "px);transition:all .3s"; _index++; if (_index == imgLength) { //滑到最后一个了,为了实现无缝隙,滚到前面去 play(imgLength); document.querySelectorAll("#"+id+" .num>li")[0].classList.add("select"); } } else { //滑动距离太短,没吃饭不用管 this.box.style.cssText = "transform: translateX(" + originX + "px);transition:all .3s"; } // 完成一次滑动初始化值 startX = 0; changedX = 0; originX = 0; if (_index != -1 && _index != imgLength) { document.querySelectorAll("#"+id+" .num>li")[_index].classList.add("select"); } this.box.ontouchmove = null; //清除事件 this.box.ontouchend = null; //清除绑定事件 autoPlay = setInterval(lunbo, time) //开启轮播 }
- play函数,快速滚
//首尾无缝连接 function play(index) { setTimeout(function () { inner.style.transition = 'all 0s'; if (index == -1) { var _number = -imgLength * _width; inner.style.transform = 'translateX(' + _number + 'px)'; _index = imgLength - 1; } else if (index == imgLength) { inner.style.transform = 'translateX(-' + _width + 'px)'; _index = 0; } }, 250); }
- 定时切换图片
function lunbo(){ document.querySelector("#"+id+" .select").classList.remove("select"); var tempArr = window.getComputedStyle(inner).transform.split(","); if (tempArr.length > 2) { originX = parseInt(tempArr[tempArr.length - 2]) || 0; } var _end = (originX - _width); inner.style.cssText = "transform: translateX(" + _end + "px);transition:all .3s"; _index++; if (_index != -1 && _index != imgLength) { document.querySelectorAll("#"+id+" .num>li")[_index].classList.add("select"); }else if(_index == -1 ){ document.querySelectorAll("#"+id+" .num>li")[imgLength - 1].classList.add("select"); } else if (_index == imgLength) { play(imgLength); document.querySelectorAll("#"+id+" .num>li")[0].classList.add("select"); } } // 初始化轮播 var autoPlay = setInterval(lunbo,time); //开启轮播 var _Broadcast = new Broadcast(); //实例触摸
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