This question already has an answer here:
For some reason the options work fine the first call of lib_progress_bar -c "@" -u "_" 0 100
, but on the second call and beyond everything is default because it seems like getopts c:u:d:p:s:%:m: flag
isn't true the second time around, or atleast the case is never executed when I used set -x
lib_progress_bar() {
local current=0
local max=100
local completed_char="#"
local uncompleted_char="."
local decimal=1
local prefix=" ["
local suffix="]"
local percent_sign="%"
local max_width=$(tput cols)
local complete remain subtraction width atleast percent chars
local padding=3
while getopts c:u:d:p:s:%:m: flag; do
case "$flag" in
c) completed_char="$OPTARG";;
u) uncompleted_char="$OPTARG";;
d) decimal="$OPTARG";;
p) prefix="$OPTARG";;
s) suffix="$OPTARG";;
%) percent_sign="$OPTARG";;
m) max_width="$OPTARG";;
shift $((OPTIND-1))
if (( decimal > 0 )); then
(( padding = padding + decimal + 1 ))
let subtraction=${#completed_char}+${#prefix}+${#suffix}+padding+${#percent_sign}
let width=max_width-subtraction
if (( width < 5 )); then
(( atleast = 5 + subtraction ))
echo >&2 "the max_width of ($max_width) is too small, must be atleast $atleast"
return 1
if (( current > max ));then
echo >&2 "current value must be smaller than max. value"
return 1
percent=$(awk -v "f=%${padding}.${decimal}f" -v "c=$current" -v "m=$max" 'BEGIN{printf('f', c / m * 100)}')
(( chars = current * width / max))
# sprintf n zeros into the var named as the arg to -v
printf -v complete '%0*.*d' '' "$chars" ''
printf -v remain '%0*.*d' '' "$((width - chars))" ''
# replace the zeros with the desired char
printf '%s%s%s%s %s%s\r' "$prefix" "$complete" "$remain" "$suffix" "$percent" "$percent_sign"
if (( current >= max )); then
echo ""
lib_progress_bar -c "@" -u "_" 0 100
lib_progress_bar -c "@" -u "_" 25 100
lib_progress_bar -c "@" -u "_" 50 100
Just add:
local OPTIND
at the top of your function.
To explain why Dennis's answer works, see the bash
man page (search for getopts
OPTIND is initialized to 1 each time the shell or a shell script is invoked.
The shell does not reset OPTIND automatically; it must be manually reset between multiple calls to getopts within the same shell invocation if a new set of parameters is to be used.
This is how getopts
can process multiple options.
If getopts
didn't maintain global state in the OPTIND
variable, each call to getopts
in your while
loop would keep processing $1
, and never advance to the next argument.