I have installed Eclipse 3,6 on 64 bit Windows platform.
When I try to connect to update sites by going to Help->install new software
it gives following error:
Unable to connect to repository
Connection refused: connect
I have tried all available sites - they all give me the same error.
Dialog box shows: Provision exception
Any idea what's happening?
- In Eclipse (go to Window > Preferences > General > Network connections).
- Select "Active Provider" as "Manual".
- Select HTTP and click edit.
- Enter the host and port
- Select "Requires Authentication" and enter the username and password.
Repeat Step 1 to 5 for Https.
In "proxy bypass" section click "Add host"
- Enter http://download.eclipse.org/releases/galileo/content.xml and OK
After spending an entire week with the issue, this solution finally worked for me
Maybe you're behind a firewall, and need to access the web through a proxy. Have you set a proxy in your web browser? If so, you need to set the same proxy in Eclipse (go to Preferences > General > Network connections).
Well, try to enter this website: http://subclipse.tigris.org/update_1.6.x
If that link works, then it's not your fault. I've tried your link, and it doesn't work for me either.
If the link I gave you doesn't work either, then the problem is on your side and you need to check your network settings.
If you are behind a firewall, have set the proxy settings in the preferences correctly and it's still not working, Try setting -Dsun.net.client.defaultReadTimeout=<"amount in ms, e.g. 30000">
in the eclipse.ini worked well for me. It looks like Eclipse has a quick timeout on that updatesite search. Some proxys can slow the process down by a few seconds and you get a timeout before the updatesite is loaded completely