JointJS Element with ports and tool items (delete, settings etc.)

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2019-12-03 22:01:00


I managed to enhance my SVG-shape with ports via:

joint.shapes.devs.Element = joint.shapes.basic.Generic.extend(_.extend({},     
joint.shapes.basic.PortsModelInterface, {
    // SVG markup with ports

With this I get the output:

I want to enhance this shape with a delete button. For that I have:

joint.shapes.devs.toolElement = joint.shapes.basic.Generic.extend({
    // markup for delete button

based on Mike Goodwin´s solution in How to give JointJS elements a remove tool?

My question: How can I combine the PortModelInterface with the delete tool? The solution should look like this:

Thanks for helping me out.



The key was this plugin. The author extended the PortsModelInterface with own code for a move-, resize- and ports-tool. I extended it further by implementing the delete functionality. This way the devs-model is open to any extension in case of functionality.

How it´s done

In tooledViewPlugin.js there is joint.plugins.TooledModelInterface = {}. In there I added:

deleteToolMarkup: '<circle fill="red" r="11"/><path transform="scale(.8) translate(-16, -16)" d="M24.778,21.419 19.276,15.917 24.777,10.415 21.949,7.585 16.447,13.087 10.945,7.585 8.117,10.415 13.618,15.917 8.116,21.419 10.946,24.248 16.447,18.746 21.948,24.248z"/><title>Remove this element from the model</title>',

Below in joint.plugins.TooledViewInterface = {} I wrote

renderDeleteTool: function () {
    var deleteContainer = this.$('.deleteTool').empty();
    var markup = V(this.model.deleteToolMarkup);
    for(var id in markup)

An example shape with special SVG markup other than a simple rectangle. Note the <g class="deleteTool"/> in the markup:

joint.shapes.devs.UnspecifiedProcess = joint.shapes.devs.Model.extend(_.extend({}, joint.plugins.TooledModelInterface, {

markup: ['<g class="rotatable">',
            '<g class="scalable">',
                '<rect class="body"/>',
                '<g xmlns="" transform="translate(-549.49953,-824.87393)" id="layer1">',
                    '<g transform="matrix(0.933025,0,0,-0.2986125,549.49953,846.37362)" id="g3553">',
                      '<g transform="scale(0.98976,3.0047)" id="g3555">',
                        '<g clip-path="url(#clipPath3559)" id="g3557">',
                          '<path d="m 57.805,0.90155 -57.805,0 0,23.06045 57.805,0 L 72.244,12.432 57.805,0.90155 z" id="path3563" style="fill:#b8cde8;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/>',
            '<g class="inPorts"/>',
            '<g class="outPorts"/>',
            '<g class="moveTool"/>',
            '<g class="resizeTool"/>',
            '<g class="portsTool"/>',
            '<g class="deleteTool"/>',
            '<title class="tooltip"/>',

defaults: joint.util.deepSupplement({
    type: 'devs.UnspecifiedProcess',
    inPorts: [''],
    outPorts: [''],
    moveTool: true,
    resizeTool: true,
    size: { width: 100, height: 31},
    attrs: {
        '.inPorts circle': { fill: '#fff' },
        '.outPorts circle': { fill: '#fff' },
        '.body': {
            width: 67, height: 21,
            stroke: 'none'
}, joint.shapes.devs.Model.prototype.defaults),
joint.shapes.devs.UnspecifiedProcessView = joint.shapes.devs.ModelView.extend(joint.plugins.TooledViewInterface);

The final part is instantiating the element with new joint.shapes.devs.UnspecifiedProcess. I present it to you with my drag and drop logic as it might be useful for you too:

//Drag and drop shapes
if (Modernizr.draganddrop) {
    // Mouse position
    var posX = 0,
        posY = 0;
    // Selected Element with start of dragging
    var selectedEl = "";
    var selectedObj = null;
    var oldObj = null;
    $(".draggable-svg").on("dragstart", function(e) {
        selectedEl =;
    $("#drawing-area").on("dragover", function(e) {
        posX = e.originalEvent.pageX - sideBarW;
        posY = e.originalEvent.pageY - topBarH;
    $("#drawing-area").on("drop", function(e) {
        var element = new joint.shapes.devs[selectedEl]({
            position: { x: posX, y: posY }
        selectedEl = "";
        oldObj = selectedObj;
        selectedObj = element;

} else {
    alert("Your browser is very old. Please update.");

