PHP: Script for generating Crossword game?

a 夏天 提交于 2019-12-03 21:44:33

I think that sounds easier than it is in practice, certainly when you only start with a list of 15-20 words. It is very difficult this way to put those words into a crossword. In most cases it will even be impossible...

I think this is a fun idea and i will try that some time, should be possible. Of couse you never know if there is a posibility for the given words in the given size, but if you try tons of combinations with an algorithm i think that should get some "acceptable" results.

I'd just start with the first word put it on the map, and then you try all other words left in all positions. And so on. So you get really a damn lot of combinations, which you could delete if they break you wanted size, and in the end you might have a nice list of possibilites and show like the 10 smallest of that to choose from. My GF is away this weekend, maybe ill have a try. I think recursive could be the right way to do that.
