Where can I find a Free Chinese Handwritten Recognition engine for Android/IPhone?

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2019-12-03 19:43:18

My impression of Tegaki, and I have looked at it, is that its GPL v.3. I may be wrong, but GPL 3 is copyleft and you can't really use it for a commercial project? – user1137858 Jan 9 at 2:36

that is COMPLETELY wrong. it's so wrong i don't even know where to start. there isn't a single thing right about the 2nd sentence, other than it's grammatically correct and to your credit you do have the phrase "I may be wrong" in it. please do take the time to find out about the GPLv3, and how many commercial projects there are which use that software license. i will leave it to you to do this research for yourself.
