The usage of pipe in AWK

假装没事ソ 提交于 2019-12-03 16:31:49

The system function allows the user to execute operating system commands and then return to the awk program. The system function executes the command given by the string command. It returns, as its value, the status returned by the command that was executed.

$ cat file

$ rev file

$ awk '{system("echo "$0"|rev")}' file

# Or using a 'here string'
$ awk '{system("rev<<<"$0)}' file

$ awk '{printf "Result: ";system("echo "$0"|rev")}' file
Result: edcba

# Or using a 'here string'
$ awk '{printf "Result: ";system("rev<<<"$0)}' file
Result: edcba

Calling the rev command from awk is very inefficient as it creates a sub-process for each line processed. I think you should define a rev function in awk:

$ cat myfile.txt | awk 'function rev(str) {
    nstr = ""
    for(i = 1; i <= length(str); i++) {
      nstr = substr(str,i,1) nstr
    return nstr
  {print rev($0)}'

try this:

awk '{ cmd="rev"; print $0 | cmd; close(cmd) }' myfile.txt

The only problem is with your print statement. Use

print "result=" result;

(No $ on result)

Why not

awk '{print "result =",$0}' <(rev file)

or if you are not using bash / ksh93 :

rev file | awk '{print "result =",$0}'


Or if your awk supports the empty FS option:

awk '{res=x; for(i=NF; i>=1; i--) res=res $i; print res}' FS= file