R: How to change plot background color for a specific range in ggvis shiny app

血红的双手。 提交于 2019-12-03 16:13:29

To have the width of the rectangles to change with the x-axis variable, you can use x = ~min(year) and x2 = ~max(year). I'm not sure how to make the variables dependent on the current scale limits, which seems like it would be a nicer solution. But, this should work. For example, the lower rectangle would be

layer_rects(x = ~min(year), x2 =~max(year),
            y = 40-3.5, y2 = 50, opacity := 0.05, fill := "blue")

It isn't vectorized for different limits (at least it didn't look to be), so you can write a function to simplify having multiple rectangles. The whole server would look like


    dataInput = reactive({
        gg = df[which(df$Student == input$stu),]

    buffer <- 3.5  # set to make the rectangle reach the scale boundaries
    rectLims <- list(lower=c(40-buffer, 80), upper=c(50, 120+buffer))
    make_rect <- function(vis, lims, buffer=buffer) {
        for (i in seq_along(lims$lower))
            vis <- layer_rects(vis, x = ~min(year), x2 =~max(year),
                        y = rectLims$lower[i], y2 = rectLims$upper[i],
                               opacity := 0.05, fill := "blue")

    vis = reactive({
        data = dataInput()
        data %>%
          ggvis(x = ~year, y = ~score) %>%
          scale_numeric("y",domain = c(40,120)) %>%
          layer_lines() %>%

    vis %>% bind_shiny("plot")

For your second question, if you only want points to show up in that range, you can make a subset of the data to use for the layer_points or a logical vector (converted to numeric with +) and use that as the opacity argument,

vis = reactive({
    data = dataInput()

    ## Option 1: and use layer_points(data=inrange)
    ## inrange <- with(dataInput(), dataInput()[score >=80 | score <= 50,])

    ## Options 2, with opacity=~inrange
    inrange = +with(data, score >=80 | score <= 50)

    data %>%
      ggvis(x = ~year, y = ~score) %>%
      scale_numeric("y",domain = c(40,120)) %>%
      layer_points(opacity = ~inrange) %>%
      layer_lines() %>%