Parsing simple types in FParsec

匆匆过客 提交于 2019-12-03 15:28:50

When you work with FParsec you need to parse sequences with the help of the sequence combinators instead of left-recursion. In your case you could for example use the sepBy1 combinator:

open FParsec

type SType =
     | Atom
     | Arrow of SType * SType

let ws = spaces : Parser<unit, unit>
let str_ws s = pstring s >>. ws

let stype, stypeRef = createParserForwardedToRef()

let atom = str_ws "o" >>% Atom

let elem = atom <|> between (str_ws "(") (str_ws ")") stype

do stypeRef:= sepBy1 elem (str_ws "->") 
              |>> List.reduceBack (fun t1 t2 -> Arrow(t1, t2))

let _ = run stype "o -> o"

This runs, but is probably hacked together too much. The type Parser... stuff is from the FParsec docs to avoid compiler errors.

type SType = 
    | Atom 
    | Arrow of SType * SType

type UserState = unit
type Parser<'t> = Parser<'t, UserState>

let ws = spaces

let atom : Parser<_> = pchar 'o' .>> ws |>> (fun _ -> Atom)

let rec term =
    parse {
        // Force something to come before another term.  Either
        // an atom, or a term in parens.
        let! first = choice [atom;
                             (pstring "(" .>> ws) >>. term .>> 
                              (pstring ")" .>> ws)]

        // Check if this is an arrow.  If not, just return first.
        let! res = choice [((pstring "->") .>> ws) >>. term |>> (fun x ->
                               Arrow (first, x));
                           preturn first]
        return res