Measuring Site Load Times via performance api

二次信任 提交于 2019-12-03 15:19:13

I have had no trouble using it, but I haven't tried measuring performance on a local machine- it works fine on a website. It is interesting to look at other sites, to have something to compare your numbers with.

for instance, these are good numbers for the size of the pages and their resources-
Friday, September 30, 2011 4:03:52 AM
navigationStart= 0 milliseconds elapsed 

fetchStart= 0
domainLookupStart= 0
domainLookupEnd= 0
requestStart= 0
responseStart= 359
responseEnd= 359
domLoading= 359
unloadEventStart= 375
unloadEventEnd= 375
domInteractive= 515
domContentLoadedEventStart= 515
domContentLoadedEventEnd= 531
domComplete= 2496
loadEventStart= 2496
loadEventEnd= 2496 milliseconds elapsed
Friday, September 30, 2011 4:22:25 AM
navigationStart= 0 milliseconds elapsed 

fetchStart= 0
domainLookupStart= 0
domainLookupEnd= 281
connectStart= 281
connectEnd= 296
requestStart= 296
responseStart= 546
responseEnd= 562
domLoading= 562
domInteractive= 1264
domContentLoadedEventStart= 1264
domContentLoadedEventEnd= 1264
domComplete= 1622
loadEventStart= 1622
loadEventEnd= 1622 milliseconds elapsed 

What you really need are the numbers other people get when visiting your site- you could include it in a form questionaire or mailing, (from firefox 7 and chrome, so far.)

// code run in firefox scratchpad:

    if(!window.performance || !performance.timing) return;
    var timestamp, first, hstr, L,

    ptA= ['navigationStart', 'unloadEventStart', 'unloadEventEnd', 'redirectStart',
    'redirectEnd', 'fetchStart', 'domainLookupStart', 'domainLookupEnd', 'connectStart',
    'connectEnd', 'secureConnectionStart', 'requestStart', 'responseStart', 'responseEnd',
    'domLoading', 'domInteractive', 'domContentLoadedEventStart',
    'domContentLoadedEventEnd', 'domComplete', 'loadEventStart',
        timestamp= performance.timing[itm];
        if(isFinite(timestamp) && timestamp!== 0){
            if(!first) first= timestamp;
            return [itm, timestamp, timestamp-first];
        else return [1, NaN];
        return !isNaN(itm[1]);
    ptA= ptA.sort(function(a, b){
        return a[1]-b[1];
    if(report=== 1) return ptA;
    L= ptA.length-1;
    ptA=, i){
        if(i> 0 && ptA[i-1][2]!== itm[2]) itm[0]= '//\n'+itm[0];
        if(i=== 0 || i=== L){
            itm[0]= '//\n(timestamp:'+itm[1]+ ')\n'+itm[0];
            itm[2]+= ' milliseconds elapsed \n';
        return itm[0]+'= '+itm[2];
    hstr= '\n'+location.href+'\n'+ new Date().toLocaleString()+'\n';
    return hstr+ptA.join('\n');

You need to measure the loadEventEnd after the onload event has finished or else it will be reported as 0, as never happened. (jquery example for attaching to the onload event)

 window.performance = window.performance || window.mozPerformance || window.msPerformance || window.webkitPerformance || {};
 var timing = performance.timing || {};
 var parseTime = timing.loadEventEnd - timing.responseEnd;
 console.log('Parsetime: ', parseTime);
 }, 0);

Good answer from Ionut Popa.

crazy numbers like -1238981729837 as the answer because loadEventEnd is < 0

loadEventEnd is not less than zero, it is zero.

As the Navigation Timing spec states: 'This attribute must return the time when the load event of the current document is completed. It must return zero when the load event is not fired or is not completed.'

Therefore timing.loadEventEnd - timing.navigationStart will be negative.

FWIW, here's a non-jQuery version:

window.onload = function(){
    var t = performance.timing;
    console.log(t.loadEventEnd - t.responseEnd);
  }, 0);