i'm looking for a good/lightweight gallery script. jquery, plain javascript or flash. any ideas? it should be possible to display thumbnails and click for bigger view, but also possibility to click through a series of images (previous/next button)
Flash based:
Javascript + AJAX:
alt text http://nettuts.s3.cdn.plus.org/501_imagegallery/final.png
(source: smashingmagazine.com)
(source: smashingmagazine.com)
Java Script+CSS+SWF Movies:
SqueezeBox - Expandable Lightbox (v1.1)
(source: smashingmagazine.com)
FancyBox - http://fancybox.net/ is also good.
Mootools is a very compact Javascript frameworks and here is also an ImageGallery script based on Mootools
I've put together a gallery which is simple all the way. Simple to use, simple to update.
See a demo here: http://nikc.org/galleries/index/
Comment if you're interested.