I'm currently fighting with Vim, I can't seem to make the indentation options do what I want.
Here are my settings, I put them at the bottom of .vimrc to make sure they take precedence. As you can see I'm going a little crazy, so I tried turning off almost everything:
set cindent
set cinkeys=o,O
set cinoptions=
set cinwords=
set indentexpr=
In most cases it seems to work fine, it does one indent after opening a block and everything is fine. But there is one case that is driving me crazy, when there is a {
after a case
statement, the next line is way too far indented:
switch () {
case CASE: {
// <-- next line gets indented to here, why??
// <-- should be indented to here
How can I make it stop doing this? TIA
:set cinoptions=l1
(that's the letter ell followed by a number one)
Look at :help cinoptions-values for the default string and descriptions of the different options.
When I manually key in your set
commands, I get no indentation whatsoever. Have you looked at the output of :set all
to confirm your settings are not being overridden?
Note: This should probably be in a comment, but that option is presently disallowed to me.
If indent is N spaces (replace N with actual value), try the following
set cinoptions=p0,t0,:N,=0
set cinwords=if,else,switch,case,for,while,do
set cindent
:N -> place 'case' label 0 characters from switch's indent
=0 -> indents the statements within case label