Secure WebAPI with a JWT

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2019-12-03 14:35:15

Though you aren't using the Azure Authentication Library, this AAL code sample is helpful in showing how to use the new JWT Token Handler to authenticate requests to a Web API using an HTTP Message Handler in the request pipeline. The code explicitly handles JWTs issued by ACS. In particular, look at the TokenValidationHandler class in Global.asax.cs. The flow goes like this:

  1. Incoming request from client app is inspected by message handler.
  2. Authorization header is examined and validated using JWTTokenHandler.
  3. If the JWT token is valid, JWTTokenHandler instantiates a new ClaimsPrincipal object. If the token isn't valid, an HTTP 401 Unauthorized response is returned.

Coming back to your first question, you just need the "securityToken" value (something like eyJ0eXAiOiJK...) to make an authorization header like Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJK.... When this is passed in a request to your Web API, the JWTTokenHandler will validate it via the Message Handler. Of course this assumes that your Web API has been configured properly to be aware of the ACS tenant and security domain you used to get the token from ACS in the first place.

Edit: Take a look at the patterns & practices guidance on securing REST services and accessing them from a mobile app - very similar scenario that might help give you more context.
