How to keep log tail alive on Heroku using ssh?

折月煮酒 提交于 2019-12-03 14:33:07

Have you done all of this:

$ heroku config:add LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG
$ heroku addons:upgrade logging:expanded
$ heroku logs --tail

It turns out that I was looking for an answer to the wrong question. Why use the tail to save logs? It is problematic, labor intensive, and error prone.

The solution I found was Papertrail. Small sites are free.

Here's the complete story from my blog:

I have seen the same issue. I'm not certain that it is ssh that times out but something does. For now, we've placed our monitor in a loop so it resumes automatically in case of time-out.

We also use PaperTrail, however it has limits in the amount that you can transfer. We use PaperTrail for general purpose use, and tail the logs for the excrutiating-detail logs that quickly use up all avaiable PaperTrail capacity.
