How to renew a self-signed openssl PEM certificate

假如想象 提交于 2019-12-03 14:29:23

I create a bash script to solve question of renew expiry date of a certification PEM file


# FIXME we need shttp.pem are on same folder like execution path of script
# Extract a certificate sign request form certification file (PEM)
openssl x509 -x509toreq -in shttpd.pem -out shttpd.csr -signkey shttpd.pem
# Extract private key from certification file (PEM)
openssl rsa -in shttpd.pem -out shttpd.key
# Create new certification for ten years
openssl x509 -req -days 3650 -in shttpd.csr -out -signkey shttpd.key 
#Concatenate new certificate and old private key on a renewed pem file
cat shttpd.key >

More user friendly version of jorge dominguez script

: '
Script used to renew self-signed certificate saved as PEM
1st arg - current PEM file
rest args - options for openssl x509 -req

new PEM is saved in same directory as old one with .new appendix

example usage: ./ /tmp/keycert.pem -days 365

# First arg is pointed to current PEM file

# Create temporary files
tmp_csr=$(mktemp /tmp/csr.XXXXXXXXX)
tmp_key=$(mktemp /tmp/key.XXXXXXXXX)
tmp_crt=$(mktemp /tmp/crt.XXXXXXXXX)

# Extract a certificate sign request form certification file (PEM)
openssl x509 -x509toreq -in $pem_file -out $tmp_csr -signkey $pem_file
# Extract private key from certification file (PEM)
openssl rsa -in $pem_file -out $tmp_key
# Create new certificate with provided options as arguments
openssl x509 -req $@ -in $tmp_csr -out $tmp_crt -signkey $tmp_key

# Merge certificate and key to one file
cat $tmp_crt $tmp_key > $

# Clean temporary files
rm $tmp_csr $tmp_key $tmp_crt

The following command creates a relatively strong (as of 2019) certificate for the domain that is valid for 3650 days (~10 years). It saves the private key into example.key and certificate into example.crt.

openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -sha256 -nodes -keyout example.key -out example.crt -subj "/" -days 3650

For more information, see: How to create a self-signed certificate with OpenSSL
