Issue in connecting kafka from outside

限于喜欢 提交于 2019-12-03 09:12:17

First make sure you have configured host-only network for your Hortonworks Sandbox VM as described here:

After doing this your sandbox VM should get a IP (e.g. and it should be reachable from your host via SSH like

$ ssh root@

Then open Ambari at and change the Kafka configuration to


The latter property must be added in the section "Custom kafka-broker" (See also

Then start/restart Kafka via Ambari. You should now be able to access Kafka from outside the Hortonworks Sandbox VM. You can test this (from outside of the sandbox VM) using e.g. the Kafka console producer from the Kafka distribution like

$ bin/ --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic test
$ bin/ --topic test --broker-list

After almost one week of config tweeking, I finally get it work. Similar to asmaier's answer but if you are using cloud server like me: Azure Sandbox-hdp, try to pub/sub thru remote consumer/producer.

In azure:

first SSH into your azure in Ambari Web-UI localhost:8080, add


in terminal @root, Set up docker port forwarding like hortonwroks instruction page sandbox

vi start_scripts/

add port 6667 on the list

On your PC:

first SSH into your azure plus tunneling 6667.

then write in cmd: or your run own java/c# script

kafka\bin\windows>kafka-console-producer --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic test

Only thing that bothers me right now is I cant find a way to make kafka push messages directly to a real public IP/ Azure. It seems Data traffic thru broker can only operate inside the docker internally.
