Can I control the way the CountVectorizer vectorizes the corpus in scikit learn?

蹲街弑〆低调 提交于 2019-12-03 08:28:14

The parameter you want is called ngram_range. You pass in a tuple (1,2) to the constructor to get unigrams and bigrams. However, the vocabulary you pass in needs to be a dict with ngrams as keys and integers as values.

In [20]: print CountVectorizer(vocabulary={'hi': 0, u'bye': 1, u'run away': 2}, ngram_range=(1,2)).fit_transform(['I want to run away!']).A
[[0 0 1]]

Note the default tokeniser removes the exclamation mark at the end, so the last token is away. If you want more control over how the string is broken up into tokens, follow @BrenBarn's comment.
