How can I write a function to check whether the provided URLs is youtube or vimeo?
For instance, I have this two URLs that I store in a database as strings,
If the URL is youtube then I will rewrite the URL to,
If the URL is vimeo then I will rewrite this URL to,
As others have noted in the comments, this is a quick and dirty solution that does not handle edge cases well. If the url contains "youtube"(example.com/youtube) it will return a false positive. The parse_url()
solution mentioned below is a much more robust solution.
Regular expressions work well for this type of thing, but often strpos
or substr
are faster performance wise. Check out the PHP documentation for preg_match(). Below the examples there is a note for exactly this thing.
Here is prototype code:
function videoType($url) {
if (strpos($url, 'youtube') > 0) {
return 'youtube';
} elseif (strpos($url, 'vimeo') > 0) {
return 'vimeo';
} else {
return 'unknown';
Obviously returning a string isn't the best idea, but you get the point. Substitute your own business logic.
Use the parse_url
function to split the URL up and then just do your normal checks
$url = 'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rj18UQjPpGA&feature=player_embedded';
$parsed = parse_url($url);
Will give you this array
'scheme' => string 'http' (length=4)
'host' => string 'www.youtube.com' (length=15)
'path' => string '/watch' (length=6)
'query' => string 'v=rj18UQjPpGA&feature=player_embedded' (length=37)
Surprising no one has mentioned that youtube urls can also contain the domain 'youtu.be' in which case all of the above solutions would have to be adapted to cater for that eventuality.
I recently wrote this function to do exactly this, hopefully it's useful to someone:
* [determineVideoUrlType used to determine what kind of url is being submitted here]
* @param string $url either a YouTube or Vimeo URL string
* @return array will return either "youtube","vimeo" or "none" and also the video id from the url
public function determineVideoUrlType($url) {
$yt_rx = '/^((?:https?:)?\/\/)?((?:www|m)\.)?((?:youtube\.com|youtu.be))(\/(?:[\w\-]+\?v=|embed\/|v\/)?)([\w\-]+)(\S+)?$/';
$has_match_youtube = preg_match($yt_rx, $url, $yt_matches);
$vm_rx = '/(https?:\/\/)?(www\.)?(player\.)?vimeo\.com\/([a-z]*\/)*([0-9]{6,11})[?]?.*/';
$has_match_vimeo = preg_match($vm_rx, $url, $vm_matches);
//Then we want the video id which is:
if($has_match_youtube) {
$video_id = $yt_matches[5];
$type = 'youtube';
elseif($has_match_vimeo) {
$video_id = $vm_matches[5];
$type = 'vimeo';
else {
$video_id = 0;
$type = 'none';
$data['video_id'] = $video_id;
$data['video_type'] = $type;
return $data;
You can use preg_match()
// do vimeo stuff
echo "Vimeo URL found!\n";
// do youtube stuff
echo "YouTube URL found!\n";
Since all you want to do is check for the presence of a string, use stripos. If it doesn't have youtube.com or vimeo.com in it, the url is malformed, right? stripos is case insensitive, too.
//must be vimeo
} else {
//is youtube
You can try my solution:
function checkServer( $domains=array(), $url ) {
foreach ( $domains as $domain ) {
if ( strpos($url, $domain ) > 0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
if( checkServer(array("youtube.com","youtu.be"), $url ) ) {
//is Youtube url
elseif( checkServer(array("vimeo.com"), $url ) ) {
//is Vimeo
elseif ( checkServer(array("any domain"), $url ) ) {
//is Any Domain
}else {
//unknow domain
Use regular expressions. What language are you using?
Edit: noticed your tag was php. It would be something like this:
// get host name from URL
"http://www.youtube.com/index.html", $matches);
$host = $matches[1];
// get last two segments of host name
preg_match('/[^.]+\.[^.]+$/', $host, $matches);
echo {$matches[0]}\n"; //youtube.com