add popovers to shiny app?

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2019-12-03 07:37:58

this answer is probably not what you initially wanted, but it could still be working for you.

You said you wanted the tooltip question mark next to the label, so I put it into the label. With the correct alignment. Second, you wanted the tooltip not to be open until the button is clicked again, because this is irritating. The popover option "focus" then might be the right thing for you.

## app.R ##
# Header
header <- dashboardHeader()
# Sidebar
sidebar <- dashboardSidebar(
    label = h4("File input ",
              tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}"),
              bsButton("q1", label = "", icon = icon("question"), style = "info", size = "extra-small")
    accept = ".csv"),
  bsPopover(id = "q1", title = "Tidy data",
    content = paste0("You should read the ", 
                a("tidy data paper", 
                  href = "",
    placement = "right", 
    trigger = "focus", 
    options = list(container = "body")
# Body
body <- dashboardBody()
# ui
ui <- dashboardPage(header, sidebar, body)
# server
server <- function(input, output) {}
# run
shinyApp(ui, server)

I don't know much about JS either but this post has helped me a lot with 'styling' shinyapps.

One way to display widgets in the same line is to put each of them inside a div with 'style:inline-block'. Because the fileInput is too large, the (?) keeps being moved to next line, so you can forcibly tell how much space will the fileInput occuppy with 'width: somepercetage%' or 'width: somepixels px'.

Following these ideas the code would look like this:

    # edit1
    style="width:80%; display:inline-block; vertical-align: middle;",
    fileInput("chosenfile", label = h4("File input"), 
              accept = ".csv")
    # edit2
    style="display:inline-block; vertical-align: middle;",
    bsButton("q1", label = "", icon = icon("question"),
             style = "info"),
    bsPopover(id = "q1", title = "Tidy data",
              content = paste0("You should read the ", 
                               a("tidy data paper", 
                               href = "",
              placement = "right", 
              trigger = "click", 
              options = list(container = "body")
