Google app engine users Auth: Djangoappengine Vs Web2py Vs Webpy

China☆狼群 提交于 2019-12-03 07:31:55

web2py authentication works out of the box on Google App Engine. The only difference when running on GAE vs other platform is that on GAE sessions are saved in the datastore and not the filesystem.

The scaffolding application already has auth setup to work on gae.

Caveat: GAE needs to know which indexes to build. Unless you know how to edit web2py/index.yaml manually, you must run the app locally with dev_appserver and run all the auth options (register, login, logout, reset password, change password, edit profile, etc.) then deploy. By running the app locally once, queries are executed and dev_appserver can figure out which indexes it needs upon deployment.

web2py also has gluon/contrib/login_methods that are plugin modules for auth (ldap, pam, gmail, linkedin, ...). Some of them also work on GAE, some do not (for example there is no ldap and no pam on GAE).

App Engine now supports OpenID Authentication. Why not use that?
