Why are linkbuttons not grayed out when disabled in FireFox?

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2019-12-03 06:51:04
   color:Grey; text-decoration:none;

worked for me, Thank you...

From W3Scholl, "Enabled" Property isn't standard property of XHTML 4(It's Microsoft standard.). You should remove href property from hyperlink or using my following code

// cancel click event.
LinkButton1.Attributes["OnClick"] = "return false;";
// set css to display same disabled link in all browser
LinkButton1.CssClass = "LinkButton_Disabled";

When you disable a button it adds "aspNetDisabled" class to the button. so you can easily set the "aspNetDisabled" class with whatever you want.

 .aspNetDisabled {
        color: black;
        background-color: #e3e3e3;
        text-decoration: none;

In C#, I found that an extension is the most helpful to create a cross-browser solution.

public static class Extensions
    public static void Disable(this HtmlAnchor obj)
        obj.Attributes.Add("disabled", "true");
        obj.Style.Add("color", "gray");

The solution below is for buttons not link but it can be done for link as well.

var obj = document.getElementById('buttonId'');
getLabel = function(elem){
if (elem.id && elem.id=="label") {
elem.id = "disabledLabel";
Dom.getElementsBy(getLabel ,'td', obj);

This will show button as disable or grayed out.
