const-ness as template argument

旧巷老猫 提交于 2019-12-03 06:42:14

You can make it accept a metafunction and you can apply any transformation you like

template<template<typename> class F>
struct arg_adapter
    EArgType type;  // fmtA, fmtB, ...

      typename F<TypeA>::type * valueA;
      typename F<TypeB>::type * valueB;
      // ... more types

    arg_adapter(typename F<TypeA>::type & value) : type(fmtA), valueA(&value) {}
    arg_adapter(typename F<TypeB>::type & value) : type(fmtB), valueB(&value) {}
    // ...

typename arg_adapter<boost::add_const> const_adapter;
typename arg_adapter<boost::mpl::identity> nonconst_adapter;

Or accept a metafunction class to get more flexibility (including the ability to make F have default arguments not known to your arg_adapter and such.

template<typename F>
struct arg_adapter
    EArgType type;  // fmtA, fmtB, ...

      typename apply<F, TypeA>::type * valueA;
      typename apply<F, TypeB>::type * valueB;
      // ... more types

    arg_adapter(typename apply<F, TypeA>::type & value) : type(fmtA), valueA(&value) {}
    arg_adapter(typename apply<F, TypeB>::type & value) : type(fmtB), valueB(&value) {}
    // ...

typename arg_adapter< lambda< boost::add_const<_> >::type > const_adapter;
typename arg_adapter< lambda< boost::mpl::identity<_> >::type > nonconst_adapter;

I just stumbled about an even better way using the type selection ideom presentend by Alexandrescu in "Modern C++ Design":

This is the type selector:

template<bool flag, typename T, typename U>
struct Select { typedef T Result; }

template<typename T, typename U>
struct Select<false, T, U> { typedef U Result; }

Your class would then look like this:

template<bool isConst>
struct arg_adapter
  // define A and B as const or non-const
  typedef typename Select<isConst, const TypeA, TypeA>::Result A;
  typedef typename Select<isConst, const TypeB, TypeB>::Result B;

  EArgType type;  // fmtA, fmtB, ...

    A * valueA; // this is either const TypeA* oder TypeA* depending on
                // your choice of the isConst template parameter
    B * valueB;
    // ... more types

  arg_adapter(A & value) : type(fmtA), valueA(&value) {} // same here with ref
  arg_adapter(B & value) : type(fmtB), valueB(&value) {}
  // ...

You can use typedefs for convenience:

struct nonconst_adapter : public arg_adapter<false> {};

struct const_adapter : public arg_adapter<true> {};

This was my old answer using simple type traits:

template<typename TypeTraits>
struct arg_adapter
  typedef typename TypeTraits::T T;
  void bar(T a) { ... } // by value/reference
  void bar(T* a) { ... } // by pointer

template<typename K>
struct NonConstTraits {
  typedef K T;

template<typename K>
struct ConstTraits {
  typedef const K T;

template<typename K>
struct nonconst_adapter : public arg_adapter<NonConstTraits<K> > {};

template<typename K>
struct const_adapter : public arg_adapter<ConstTraits<K> > {};

Maybe I didn't get it, but why can't you use

Convert(**const** arg_adapter from, arg_adapter to)

Declare a typedef to simplify the job
