Community detection in Networkx

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2019-12-03 05:38:23

I'm also new to networkx and igraph, I used Gephi, an data visualization tool/software. And it has the same community detection algorithm as the one in networkx you are now using. Specifically, in

It uses the louvain method described in Fast unfolding of communities in large networks, Vincent D Blondel, Jean-Loup Guillaume, Renaud Lambiotte, Renaud Lefebvre, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2008(10), P10008 (12pp)

You can not get desired number of communities, as I know, there're two ways worth to try:

  • Use Gephi. You can use gephi and there's a parameter called resolution that would change the size of the community you get.
  • Use NetworkX. This time, we may not use best_partition(G) any more. But use partition_at_level(dendrogram, level) , I guess this might help.

Check the source code here for more info.

Perhaps I am misunderstanding you, but if you would like the number of communities output by the NetworkX implementation of the best_partition algorithm, just note that best_partition(G) gives a dictionary with nodes as keys and their partition number as value.

You can count the number of unique values in a dictionary like this (likely not optimal):

dict = {'a':1,'b':1,'c':2,'d':1,'e':3,'f':4,'g':5}
count=list(set([i for i in dict.values()]))
print count
print len(count)

With result

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]