Github file change notification

半世苍凉 提交于 2019-12-03 05:36:14


Is there a way to notify people on change of some certain files? Specifically, I would like to track change of *.sql files and and notify our developers on a change. How can I configure post commit hooks to notify?


If you want folks to get notified via email, and you want them to manage their own notifications, then should do the trick - it monitors any public repo, and will notify you via email of changes to any file, a specific file, or some files that match your criteria.


Use git diff-tree in your post-receive hook:

 git diff-tree --name-status -rz

You can grep the result to check if certain files are modified (status 'M'), as described in this answer.
you can find many examples on, with this one using the --name-status option.


I know it's been a while but I stumbled upon this thread when I was looking for something similar. I looked into Cooper's GitHub File Watcher but it didn't work with private repos nor was it open source.

So I just ended up building my own solution: Posting this here just in case someone is still looking for a tool like that.

