Displaying images from Facebook photo albums on a portfolio site using the graph api

冷暖自知 提交于 2019-12-03 05:06:39

This is definitely possible by using the graph api:

Get the ID of all of her albums - select the one you want:


Access the album:


You need the user_photos permission and the album needs to be public.

This returns you a list of all the photos in the following JSON form:

          "id": "104988432890979",
                 "from": {
                    "name": "Patrick Snape",
                    "id": "100001394674670"
                 "picture": "http://photos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs272.snc4/39934_104988432890979_100001394674670_46790_6171664_s.jpg",
                 "source": "http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs272.snc4/39934_104988432890979_100001394674670_46790_6171664_n.jpg",
                 "height": 540,
                 "width": 720,
                 "link": "http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=46790&id=100001394674670",
                 "icon": "http://static.ak.fbcdn.net/rsrc.php/z2E5Y/hash/8as8iqdm.gif",
                 "created_time": "2010-08-11T10:32:45+0000",
                 "updated_time": "2010-08-11T10:32:47+0000"

You can then use the source of the photo to get the full sized image

https://graph.facebook.com/USER_ID/albums/ would get you 25 most recent albums and you must set the 'limit=0' in the url like

https://graph.facebook.com/USER_ID/albums/?limit=0 this would get u all the albums... and also make sure your album 'Wall Photos' is set to public otherwise you'll require 'user_photos' permission.

then you need to get the album id of the album with title 'Wall Photos' and you can retrieve the photos using that album id

$url = "http://graph.facebook.com/me/albums?fields=id,name&limit=0";
$obj = json_decode(file_get_contents($url));
foreach($obj->data as $item) {
    if ($item->name == 'Wall Photos'){

you can then use the album '$wall_album_id' to get the wall photos...
