
匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 00:37:01



npm install react-native-parallax-scroll-view

做了一个简单的封装 看代码:

import React, {Component} from 'react'; import {     Dimensions,     Image,     ListView,     PixelRatio,     StyleSheet,     Text,     View,     Platform,     ToastAndroid,     TouchableHighlight } from 'react-native';  import ParallaxScrollView from 'react-native-parallax-scroll-view';  const instructions ={     ios: 'Press Cmd+R to reload,\n' +     'Cmd+D or shake for dev menu',     android: 'Double tap R on your keyboard to reload,\n' +     'Shake or press menu button for dev menu', });   export default class AboutComponent {     /**      * 这些参数可以根据自己的需要传递      * 比如常见的我的,设置,关于等      * @param props      * @param updateState      * @param flag      * @param config      */     constructor(props, updateState, flag, config) {         this.props = props;         this.updateState = updateState;         this.flag = flag;         this.config = config;      }      /**      * 配置ParallaxScrollView      * @param params      * @returns {{}}      */     renderParallaxScrollView(params) {         let config = {};         config.renderBackground = () => (             <View key="background">                 <Image source={{                     uri: params.bg_url,                     width: window.width,                     height: PARALLAX_HEADER_HEIGHT                 }}/>                 <View style={{                     position: 'absolute',                     top: 0,                     width: window.width,                     backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,.4)',                     height: PARALLAX_HEADER_HEIGHT                 }}/>             </View>         );          config.renderForeground = () => (             <View key="parallax-header" style={styles.parallaxHeader}>                 <Image style={styles.avatar} source={{                     uri: params.author_img,                     width: AVATAR_SIZE,                     height: AVATAR_SIZE                 }}/>                 <Text style={styles.sectionSpeakerText}>                     {params.title}                 </Text>                 <Text style={styles.sectionTitleText}>                     {}                 </Text>             </View>         );          config.renderStickyHeader = () => (             <View key="sticky-header" style={styles.stickySection}>                 <Text style={styles.stickySectionText}>{params.title}</Text>             </View>         );          config.renderFixedHeader = () => (             <View key="fixed-header" style={styles.fixedSection}>                 <TouchableHighlight style={{height: 25, width: 25}} onPress={() => {                     this.props.navigation.goBack();                 }}>                     <Image source={require("./imgs/ic_arrow_back_white_36pt.png")}                            style={{height: 25, width: 25}}>                     </Image>                 </TouchableHighlight>                 <TouchableHighlight style={{height: 25, width: 25}} onPress={() => {                     this.props.navigation.goBack();                 }}>                     <Image source={require("./imgs/ic_arrow_back_white_36pt.png")}                            style={{height: 25, width: 25}}>                     </Image>                 </TouchableHighlight>             </View>         );         return config;     }      /**      *      * @param contentView      * @param params      * @returns {XML}      */     renderView(contentView, params) {         this.RenderConfig = this.renderParallaxScrollView(params);         return (             <ParallaxScrollView                 headerBackgroundColor="#333"                 stickyHeaderHeight={STICKY_HEADER_HEIGHT}                 parallaxHeaderHeight={PARALLAX_HEADER_HEIGHT}                 backgroundSpeed={10}                 {...this.RenderConfig}>                 {contentView}             </ParallaxScrollView>         );     } }  const window = Dimensions.get('window');  const AVATAR_SIZE = 50; const ROW_HEIGHT = 50; const PARALLAX_HEADER_HEIGHT = 250; const STICKY_HEADER_HEIGHT = 50; const SCREEN_WIDTH = window.width;  const styles = StyleSheet.create({     container: {         flex: 1,         backgroundColor: 'black'     },     background: {         position: 'absolute',         top: 0,         left: 0,         width: window.width,         height: PARALLAX_HEADER_HEIGHT     },     stickySection: {         flexDirection: 'row',         alignItems: "center",         height: STICKY_HEADER_HEIGHT,         width: SCREEN_WIDTH,         backgroundColor: "#377DFE",         justifyContent: 'space-around'     },     stickySectionText: {         color: 'white',         fontSize: 20,         margin: 10     },     fixedSection: {         width: SCREEN_WIDTH,         position: 'absolute',         height: 50,         borderWidth: 1,         borderColor: "red",         flexDirection: "row",         alignItems: "center",         justifyContent: "space-between"      },     fixedSectionText: {         color: '#999',         fontSize: 20     },     parallaxHeader: {         alignItems: 'center',         flex: 1,         flexDirection: 'column',         paddingTop: 100     },     avatar: {         marginBottom: 10,         borderRadius: AVATAR_SIZE / 2     },     sectionSpeakerText: {         color: 'white',         fontSize: 24,         paddingVertical: 5     },     sectionTitleText: {         color: 'white',         fontSize: 18,         paddingVertical: 5     },     row: {         overflow: 'hidden',         paddingHorizontal: 10,         height: ROW_HEIGHT,         backgroundColor: 'white',         borderColor: '#ccc',         borderBottomWidth: 1,         justifyContent: 'center'     },     rowText: {         fontSize: 20     },     left: {         flexDirection: "row",         justifyContent: "flex-start",         alignItems: "center"     } });


/**  * Sample React Native App  *  * @flow  */  import React, {Component} from 'react'; import {     Platform,     StyleSheet,     Text,     View,     FlatList,     Dimensions,     RefreshControl,     ActivityIndicator,     SwipeableFlatList,     TouchableHighlight,     SectionList } from 'react-native'; import AboutComponent from "./AboutComponent";  const instructions ={     ios: 'Press Cmd+R to reload,\n' +     'Cmd+D or shake for dev menu',     android: 'Double tap R on your keyboard to reload,\n' +     'Shake or press menu button for dev menu', });  type Props = {}; const width = Dimensions.get("window").width;    export default class ParallaxScrollViewDemo extends Component<Props> {      constructor(props) {         super(props)         this.aboutCommon = new AboutComponent(props, null, null, null);     }      render() {         let contentView = <View             style={{width: width, height: 300, flexDirection: "row", justifyContent: "center", alignItems: "center"}}>             <Text>自定义的布局</Text>         </View>          return this.aboutCommon.renderView(contentView, {             "title": "咻咻咻",             "info": "这个人很懒,什么都没留下",             "bg_url": "",             "author_img": ",2327152167&fm=27&gp=0.jpg"         })     }  }  

