I would like to get the active window on the screen using python.
For example, the management interface of the router where you enter the username and password as admin
That admin interface is what I want to capture using python to automate the entry of username and password.
What imports would I require in order to do this?
On windows, you can use the python for windows extensions (http://sourceforge.net/projects/pywin32/):
from win32gui import GetWindowText, GetForegroundWindow
print GetWindowText(GetForegroundWindow())
Below code is for python 3:
from win32gui import GetWindowText, GetForegroundWindow
(Found this on http://scott.sherrillmix.com/blog/programmer/active-window-logger/)
The following script should work on Linux, Windows and Mac. It is currently only tested on Linux (Ubuntu Mate Ubuntu 15.10).
For Linux:
Install wnck
(sudo apt-get install python-wnck
on Ubuntu, see libwnck.)
For Windows:
Make sure win32gui
is available
For Mac:
Make sure AppKit
is available
The script
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Find the currently active window."""
import logging
import sys
logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s',
def get_active_window():
Get the currently active window.
string :
Name of the currently active window.
import sys
active_window_name = None
if sys.platform in ['linux', 'linux2']:
# Alternatives: http://unix.stackexchange.com/q/38867/4784
import wnck
except ImportError:
logging.info("wnck not installed")
wnck = None
if wnck is not None:
screen = wnck.screen_get_default()
window = screen.get_active_window()
if window is not None:
pid = window.get_pid()
with open("/proc/{pid}/cmdline".format(pid=pid)) as f:
active_window_name = f.read()
from gi.repository import Gtk, Wnck
gi = "Installed"
except ImportError:
logging.info("gi.repository not installed")
gi = None
if gi is not None:
Gtk.init([]) # necessary if not using a Gtk.main() loop
screen = Wnck.Screen.get_default()
screen.force_update() # recommended per Wnck documentation
active_window = screen.get_active_window()
pid = active_window.get_pid()
with open("/proc/{pid}/cmdline".format(pid=pid)) as f:
active_window_name = f.read()
elif sys.platform in ['Windows', 'win32', 'cygwin']:
# http://stackoverflow.com/a/608814/562769
import win32gui
window = win32gui.GetForegroundWindow()
active_window_name = win32gui.GetWindowText(window)
elif sys.platform in ['Mac', 'darwin', 'os2', 'os2emx']:
# http://stackoverflow.com/a/373310/562769
from AppKit import NSWorkspace
active_window_name = (NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace()
print("sys.platform={platform} is unknown. Please report."
return active_window_name
print("Active window: %s" % str(get_active_window()))
For Linux users: All the answers provided required additional modules like "wx" that had numerous errors installing ("pip" failed on build), but I was able to modify this solution quite easily -> original source. There were bugs in the original (Python TypeError on regex)
import sys
import os
import subprocess
import re
def get_active_window_title():
root = subprocess.Popen(['xprop', '-root', '_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
stdout, stderr = root.communicate()
m = re.search(b'^_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW.* ([\w]+)$', stdout)
if m != None:
window_id = m.group(1)
window = subprocess.Popen(['xprop', '-id', window_id, 'WM_NAME'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
stdout, stderr = window.communicate()
return None
match = re.match(b"WM_NAME\(\w+\) = (?P<name>.+)$", stdout)
if match != None:
return match.group("name").strip(b'"')
return None
if __name__ == "__main__":
The advantage is it works without additional modules. If you want it to work across multiple platforms, it's just a matter of changing the command and regex strings to get the data you want based on the platform (with the standard if/else platform detection shown above sys.platform).
On a side note: import wnck only works with python2.x when installed with "sudo apt-get install python-wnck", since I was using python3.x the only option was pypie which I have not tested. Hope this helps someone else.
Just wanted to add in case it helps, I have a function for my program (It's a software for my PC's lighting I have this simple few line function:
def isRunning(process_name):
foregroundWindow = GetWindowText(GetForegroundWindow())
return process_name in foregroundWindow
There's really no need to import any external dependency for tasks like this. Python comes with a pretty neat foreign function interface - ctypes
, which allows for calling C shared libraries natively. It even includes specific bindings for the most common Win32 DLLs.
E.g. to get the PID of the foregorund window:
import ctypes
from ctypes import wintypes
user32 = ctypes.windll.user32
h_wnd = user32.GetForegroundWindow()
pid = wintypes.DWORD()
user32.GetWindowThreadProcessId(h_wnd, ctypes.byref(pid))
Try using wxPython:
import wx