Obtain Active window using Python

邮差的信 提交于 2019-11-26 16:26:57
William Saunders

On windows, you can use the python for windows extensions (http://sourceforge.net/projects/pywin32/):

from win32gui import GetWindowText, GetForegroundWindow
print GetWindowText(GetForegroundWindow())

Below code is for python 3:

from win32gui import GetWindowText, GetForegroundWindow

(Found this on http://scott.sherrillmix.com/blog/programmer/active-window-logger/)

The following script should work on Linux, Windows and Mac. It is currently only tested on Linux (Ubuntu Mate Ubuntu 15.10).


For Linux:

Install wnck (sudo apt-get install python-wnck on Ubuntu, see libwnck.)

For Windows:

Make sure win32gui is available

For Mac:

Make sure AppKit is available

The script

#!/usr/bin/env python

"""Find the currently active window."""

import logging
import sys

logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s',

def get_active_window():
    Get the currently active window.

    string :
        Name of the currently active window.
    import sys
    active_window_name = None
    if sys.platform in ['linux', 'linux2']:
        # Alternatives: http://unix.stackexchange.com/q/38867/4784
            import wnck
        except ImportError:
            logging.info("wnck not installed")
            wnck = None
        if wnck is not None:
            screen = wnck.screen_get_default()
            window = screen.get_active_window()
            if window is not None:
                pid = window.get_pid()
                with open("/proc/{pid}/cmdline".format(pid=pid)) as f:
                    active_window_name = f.read()
                from gi.repository import Gtk, Wnck
                gi = "Installed"
            except ImportError:
                logging.info("gi.repository not installed")
                gi = None
            if gi is not None:
                Gtk.init([])  # necessary if not using a Gtk.main() loop
                screen = Wnck.Screen.get_default()
                screen.force_update()  # recommended per Wnck documentation
                active_window = screen.get_active_window()
                pid = active_window.get_pid()
                with open("/proc/{pid}/cmdline".format(pid=pid)) as f:
                    active_window_name = f.read()
    elif sys.platform in ['Windows', 'win32', 'cygwin']:
        # http://stackoverflow.com/a/608814/562769
        import win32gui
        window = win32gui.GetForegroundWindow()
        active_window_name = win32gui.GetWindowText(window)
    elif sys.platform in ['Mac', 'darwin', 'os2', 'os2emx']:
        # http://stackoverflow.com/a/373310/562769
        from AppKit import NSWorkspace
        active_window_name = (NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace()
        print("sys.platform={platform} is unknown. Please report."
    return active_window_name

print("Active window: %s" % str(get_active_window()))
James Nelson

For Linux users: All the answers provided required additional modules like "wx" that had numerous errors installing ("pip" failed on build), but I was able to modify this solution quite easily -> original source. There were bugs in the original (Python TypeError on regex)

import sys
import os
import subprocess
import re

def get_active_window_title():
    root = subprocess.Popen(['xprop', '-root', '_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    stdout, stderr = root.communicate()

    m = re.search(b'^_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW.* ([\w]+)$', stdout)
    if m != None:
        window_id = m.group(1)
        window = subprocess.Popen(['xprop', '-id', window_id, 'WM_NAME'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
        stdout, stderr = window.communicate()
        return None

    match = re.match(b"WM_NAME\(\w+\) = (?P<name>.+)$", stdout)
    if match != None:
        return match.group("name").strip(b'"')

    return None

if __name__ == "__main__":

The advantage is it works without additional modules. If you want it to work across multiple platforms, it's just a matter of changing the command and regex strings to get the data you want based on the platform (with the standard if/else platform detection shown above sys.platform).

On a side note: import wnck only works with python2.x when installed with "sudo apt-get install python-wnck", since I was using python3.x the only option was pypie which I have not tested. Hope this helps someone else.

Just wanted to add in case it helps, I have a function for my program (It's a software for my PC's lighting I have this simple few line function:

def isRunning(process_name):
   foregroundWindow = GetWindowText(GetForegroundWindow())
   return process_name in foregroundWindow

There's really no need to import any external dependency for tasks like this. Python comes with a pretty neat foreign function interface - ctypes, which allows for calling C shared libraries natively. It even includes specific bindings for the most common Win32 DLLs.

E.g. to get the PID of the foregorund window:

import ctypes
from ctypes import wintypes

user32 = ctypes.windll.user32

h_wnd = user32.GetForegroundWindow()
pid = wintypes.DWORD()
user32.GetWindowThreadProcessId(h_wnd, ctypes.byref(pid))

Try using wxPython:

import wx