How do I get standard errors of maximum-likelihood estimates in STAN?

邮差的信 提交于 2019-12-03 00:14:57

You can specify the hessian = TRUE argument to the optimizing function, which will return the Hessian as part of the list of output. Thus, you can obtain estimated standard errors via sqrt(diag(solve(-MLb4c$hessian))); however those standard errors pertain to the estimates in the unconstrained space. To obtain estimated standard errors for the parameters in the constrained space, you could either use the delta method or draw many times from a multivariate normal distribution whose mean vector is MLb4c$par and whose variance-covariance is solve(-MLb4c$hessian), convert those draws to the constrained space with the constrain_pars function, and estimate the standard deviation of each column.

Here is some R code you could adapt to your case

# 1: Compile and save a model (make sure to pass the data here)
model <- stan(file="model.stan", data=c("N","K","X","y"), chains = 0, iter = 0)

# 2: Fit that model
fit <- optimizing(object=get_stanmodel(model), as_vector = FALSE,
                   data=c("N","K","X","y"), hessian = TRUE)

# 3: Extract the vector theta_hat and the Hessian for the unconstrained parameters
theta_hat <- unlist(fit$par)
upars <- unconstrain_pars(linear, relist(theta_hat, fit$par))
Hessian <- fit$hessian

# 4: Extract the Cholesky decomposition of the (negative) Hessian and invert
R <- chol(-Hessian)
V <- chol2inv(R)
rownames(V) <- colnames(V) <- colnames(Hessian)

# 5: Produce a matrix with some specified number of simulation draws from a multinormal
SIMS <- 1000
len <- length(theta_hat)
unconstrained <- upars + t(chol(V)) %*% 
  matrix(rnorm(SIMS * len), nrow = len, ncol = SIMS)
theta_sims <- t(apply(unconstrained, 2, FUN = function(upars) {
  unlist(constrain_pars(linear, upars))

# 6: Produce estimated standard errors for the constrained parameters
se <- apply(theta_sims, 2, sd)