AppDomain address space

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2019-12-02 22:51:43

Look at: Anyone can explain the major use of MarshalByRefObject . In your scenario, you are only passing a proxy and not the actual object and the memory is not being copied.


  1. "legitimacy" != "trick", your hack is undermining AppDomains by not marshaling calls to data in another AppDomain. The run-time container may set/change security limitations which might break your app, e.g. is this running inside IIS? (In your case, you are not accessing an object but memory, so it is perhaps "not so bad".) Is this a product your are deploying at a customer's site?
  2. I assume that there was a performance problem with marshaling via proxy, so you resorted to IntPtr (cut out the middle man)
  3. Are the various "worker" AppDomains manipulating the blob? If so, I would be concerned that eventually the memory would be corrupted... because you are not marshaling your calls.
  4. This is unmanaged memory created in C#. If in reality, the blob is allocated by an unmanaged DLL, then you must ensure that the unmanaged DLL is not unloaded. Again, if are deploying to IIS, then you don't control your AppDomains' lifecycles, IIS does. This will break your hack.
  5. Yes, virtual memory is per process and not per AppDomain, so all AppDomain share the same virtual address space.
  6. Regardless of my reservations, it is very cool :)

I have no direct answer for you. The existance of MarshalByRefObject might indicate that a common address space is used, but perhaps not.

You might also look into memory-mapped files
