Peer-to-peer network over wifi in iOS

半世苍凉 提交于 2019-12-02 22:29:21

iOS 7 adds the Multipeer Connectivity Framework for exactly this purpose.

Have you thought of using Apple's GameKit framework? I've used it in the past for some simple communication between devices. It's really simple and can get you out of the gate quickly. This looks like a good tutorial.

I think Open Peer is the right solution. It provides real direct peer-to-peer connection between devices without the need of a centralised server. Check out this introductory video.

You cannot create a wi-fi network programmatically in iOS using current APIs. GameKit offers some APIs to do so over bluetooth however.

If you wish to implement a custom solution using CocoaHTTPServer, be aware that you will still not be able to create a direct wi-fi connection, you will simply be able to connect devices on the same (pre-existing) wi-fi network.

Ad-hoc peer to peer Wi-Fi (such as 802.11s) in iOS is still a few years off. Maybe iOSX ;)

iOS supports the Multipeer Connectivity framework which enables iOS devices to talk to each other over Bluetooth, infrastructure (with a router) WiFi, or P2P.

It does not, however, provide a way to explicitly use P2P. There is a layer of abstraction away from how any of a device's peers (other iOS devices) are connected, and it does not currently allow for non-iOS devices to be connected.
