Am I using IRepository correctly?

耗尽温柔 提交于 2019-12-02 22:16:39

I'd say, you are close to the repository that I use in a production solution for resource planning in Transport companies (using NHibernate as well) - so for starters you are on the right path in my opinion. I agree with dbones on using IEnumerables /IList instead of arrays - you'll end up writing .ToArray() many times over :-).

A few things you might consider:

Favour Composition over inheritance - instead of inheriting from the abstract repository - let it be non-abstract and inject it in the 'ctor and delegate the calls - this makes your design more robust in certain situations (e.g. for a Query-only repository etc.) That way you also have the option of letting the abstract repository be instantiatable (is that a word?) and control whether it should be shared across all repositories.

Following up on that point - you might want to change the base Repository to have generic methods instead of inheriting from the generic interface:

public class Repository
    public void Add<T>(T entity)
        using(var session = GetSession())
        using(var tx = session.BeginTransaction())
             //Transaction handling etc.
    .... //repeat ad nasseum :-)

You might want to let the specific repositories have access to the ISession - this greatly improves how flexible you can make your queries and control eager/lazy fetching and you get full advantage of NHibernate etc. E.g.

public class Repository
    public IList<T> WrapQueryInSession<T>(Func<ISession,IList<T> query)
        using(var session = GetSession())
        using(var tx = session.BeginTransaction())
             var items = query(session);
             //Handle exceptions transacitons etc.
             return items;


public class MovieRepository : IMovieRepository
    private Repository _repository;
    public MovieRepository(Repository repository)
        _repository = repository;
    public IList<Movie> GetByYear(int year)
        Func<ISession, IList<Movie> query = session =>
            var query = session.CreateQuery("from Movie"); //or
            var query = session.CreateCriteria("from Movie"); //or
            var query = session.Linq<Movie>();
            //set criteria etc.
            return query.List<Movie>(); //ToList<Movie>() if you're using Linq2NHibernate
        return _repository.WrapQueryInSession(query);

You might also want to set a bool return value on your methods if something goes wrong - and maybe an out IEnumerable for any errors that will make sense in the calling code.

But all in all - these are just my tidbits that I have added over time to comply better with my usage - and they are entirely optional, just food for thought :-). I think you are on the right path - I don't see any major problems in your code.

Hope this makes sense :-)

  1. try not to pass back an array. use IEnumerable<T>, ICollection<T> or IList<T>, this will loosely couple your code further.

  2. your IMovieRepository interface. this repository includes the CRUD. therefore make it

IMovieRepository : IRepository<Movie> {}

This will not change your MovieRepository class as that will implement the interface correctly. it will allow you to decouple your classes if you wish to change the implementation at a later date.

finally. this is fine for one of the methods. as you have specialised functionality you have specialised the repository to suit.

there are other ways, which enable you to use 1 repositry class and pass in the required query. This is called the Specification pattern. I did a project which uses this located on codeplex with report

the other way would to to have a method to pass in the criteria. there is a open source project called Sharp Architecture, which i believe has this coded up.

Hope this helps

As food for thought, if your ORM of choice has a LINQ provider (and NH has one) you can try the queryable repository that is quite similar to a collection:

public interface IRepository<T> : ICollection<T>, IQueryable<T>

I have written some about it on my site: Repository or DAO?: Repository It has similarities to your construction (just because a collection supports CRUD as well), the approach I tries means that you can have code that isn't necessarily aware of dealing with a repository as it can be programmed against the ICollection or IQueryable interface...
