I'm trying to overlay an image (transparent background with shape in the middle) "on top" of the video and get the image back. The image size is bigger then the video. Here is the command that I'm using:
"-i", video.mp4, "-i", image.mp4, "-filter_complex", "[1:v][0:v]scale2ref=iw:ih[ovr][base];[ovr]colorchannelmixer=aa=1.0[ovrl];[base][ovrl]overlay[v]", "-map", "[v]", "-q:v", "2", directoryToStore + "/" + ImageName + ".jpeg"
The above scales the image to the size of the video.
I want the image and the video to retain their size and output an image of the 2 overlaid.
Can someone please give me advice on how I can do this?
Skip the scale2ref.
"-i", video.mp4, "-i", image.mp4, "-filter_complex", "[0:v]pad=iw:2*trunc(iw*16/9/2):(ow-iw)/2:(oh-ih)/2[v0];[1:v][v0]scale2ref[v1][v0];[v0][v1]overlay=x=(W-w)/2:y=(H-h)/2[v]", "-map", "[v]", "-q:v", "2", directoryToStore + "/" + ImageName + ".jpeg"