How can I tell what is in a Postgresql tablespace?

℡╲_俬逩灬. 提交于 2019-12-02 20:32:59

Check pg_class to see what is located where:

  pg_class c 
    JOIN pg_tablespace t ON c.reltablespace = t.oid 
  t.spcname = 'indexes_old';

In PostgreSQL, a tablespace can be used by any PostgreSQL database. (As long as the requesting user has sufficient privileges, that is.) I think this query

SELECT spcname, spclocation FROM pg_tablespace;

will show you the directory that index_old is using in the filesystem in PostgreSQL version through 9.1. Prowl around in there to see if something real is in your way. I'd be really cautious about trying to delete anything in there apart from using PostgreSQL's interface, though.

In 9.2+, try

select spcname, pg_tablespace_location(oid) from pg_tablespace;

In PG 10 and possibly a little earlier, this seems to have morphed to:

SELECT tablename from pg_tables WHERE tablespace = 'foo';

Unfortunately there is "global" view across all databases. However this can be done using the dblink extension together with the following function:

create or replace function show_tablespace_objects(p_tablespace text, p_user text, p_password text) 
  returns table (db_name text, schema_name text, object_name text, object_type text, tablespace_name text)
  l_stmt text;
  l_con_name text := 'tbs_check_conn';
  l_con_string text;
  l_rec record;  
  l_stmt := $query$SELECT current_database(), 
           n.nspname as schema_name, 
           c.relname as object_name,
           case c.relkind 
             when 'r' then 'table'
             when 'i' then 'index'
             when 't' then 'TOAST table'
             when 'm' then 'materialized view'
             when 'f' then 'foreign table'
             when 'p' then 'partitioned table'
             else c.relkind::text
           end as object_type,
           t.spcname as tablespace_name
    FROM pg_class c 
      JOIN pg_namespace n on n.oid = c.relnamespace
      JOIN pg_tablespace t ON c.reltablespace = t.oid$query$;

  if p_tablespace is not null then 
    l_stmt := l_stmt || format(' WHERE t.spcname=%L', p_tablespace);
  end if;

  for l_rec in (select * from pg_database where datallowconn) loop

     l_con_string := format('dbname=%L user=%L password=%L',
                             l_rec.datname, p_user, p_password);
     return query 
        select * 
        from dblink(l_con_string, l_stmt) 
             as t(db_name text, schema_name text, object_name text, object_type text, tablespace_name text);
  end loop;
language plpgsql;

The function accepts a tablespace name and a username and password that is valid for all databases in the current server.

If the tablespace name is passed as null all objects that are not in the default tablespace are listed (that would be pg_global in a default installation without any additional tablespaces)

This can be used like this:

select *
from show_tablespace_objects('indexes_old', 'postgres', 'verysecretpassword');

Are we talking about the PgSQL Interface?

List schemas (tablespaces) like this:


List all the tables inside a schema (tablespace) like this:

\dn <table_space>.*



for more options
