I've asked a similar question recently, and got a great reply on solving a many-to-many relationship problem with Lift Mapper. I looked at the ScalaQuery/SLICK documentation but it does not document an approach to persisting data where link tables are involved. If someone knows how to do many-to-many mapping using SLICK, it would be great if you can share it.
This test (created by Stefan Zeiger) is new in the SLICK test suite, and answers the question quite nicely:
def testManyToMany(): Unit = db withSession {
object A extends Table[(Int, String)]("a") {
def id = column[Int]("id", O.PrimaryKey)
def s = column[String]("s")
def * = id ~ s
def bs = AToB.filter(_.aId === id).flatMap(_.bFK)
object B extends Table[(Int, String)]("b") {
def id = column[Int]("id", O.PrimaryKey)
def s = column[String]("s")
def * = id ~ s
def as = AToB.filter(_.bId === id).flatMap(_.aFK)
object AToB extends Table[(Int, Int)]("a_to_b") {
def aId = column[Int]("a")
def bId = column[Int]("b")
def * = aId ~ bId
def aFK = foreignKey("a_fk", aId, A)(a => a.id)
def bFK = foreignKey("b_fk", bId, B)(b => b.id)
(A.ddl ++ B.ddl ++ AToB.ddl).create
A.insertAll(1 -> "a", 2 -> "b", 3 -> "c")
B.insertAll(1 -> "x", 2 -> "y", 3 -> "z")
AToB.insertAll(1 -> 1, 1 -> 2, 2 -> 2, 2 -> 3)
/*val q1 = for {
a <- A if a.id >= 2
aToB <- AToB if aToB.aId === a.id
b <- B if b.id === aToB.bId
} yield (a.s, b.s)*/
val q1 = for {
a <- A if a.id >= 2
b <- a.bs
} yield (a.s, b.s)
q1.foreach(x => println(" "+x))
assertEquals(Set(("b","y"), ("b","z")), q1.list.toSet)
I'm not quite certain what would be the best way integrate business logic and persistence in Scala (as this is more than OO or FP), so I asked a new question about this. Hope this helps someone else who is also curious about this problem.