When I NSLog HTTP requests response string, it appears as "ãÃÂïãÃâ¬ÃÂãÃÂÃâãÃÂ" and something different appears on UILabel but not the same as I expect in Japanese/Chinese format. I am using ASIHTTPRequest and as mentioned here I have set response encoding to NSUTF8StringEncoding(server uses UTF-8 same) but it didn't help. Could someone please tell me how to support unicode character in my App? Thanks.
- (void)getData
ASIHTTPRequest *request = [ASIHTTPRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:[dataUrl stringByAppendingFormat:@"%@",self.selectedID]]];
[request setResponseEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
SBJSON *parser = [[SBJSON alloc] init];
NSMutableDictionary *data = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:3];
[data setObject:self.username forKey:@"username"];
[data setObject:self.password forKey:@"password"];
NSString *dataJSON = [parser stringWithFragment:data error:nil];
[request appendPostData:[dataJSON dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
[request setDelegate:self];
[request setDidFinishSelector:@selector(requestSuccess:)];
[request setDidFailSelector:@selector(requestFailed:)];
[self.queue addOperation: request];
[self.queue go];
- (void)requestSuccess:(ASIHTTPRequest *)request
NSLog(@"success: %@", [request responseString]);
I managed to fix this. Following is the change!
ASIHTTPRequest *request = [ASIHTTPRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:[dataUrl stringByAppendingFormat:@"%@",self.selectedID]]];
[request setResponseEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; -- > Wrong!!!
request.defaultResponseEncoding = NSUTF8StringEncoding; --> Correct!