Recursively List all directories and files

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2019-12-02 17:26:00
Andrea Bertani

In windows, to list only directories:

dir /ad /b /s

to list all files (and no directories):

dir /a-d /b /s

redirect the output to a file:

dir /a-d /b /s > filename.txt

dir command parameters explained on wikipedia

in shell:

find . -type d

gives directories from current working directory, and:

find . -type f

gives files from current working directory.

Replace . by your directory of interest.

Bash/Linux Shell


find ./ -type d 


find ./ -type f 

Bash/Shell Into a file


find ./ -type d  > somefile.txt


find ./ -type f  > somefile.txt

On Windows, you can do it like this as most flexibile solution that allows you to additionally process dir names.

You use FOR /R to recursively execute batch commands.

Check out this batch file.

@echo off
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion

for /R %%i in (.) do (
     SET DIR=%%i

     ::put anything here, for instance the following code add dir numbers.
     SET /A N=!N!+1
     echo !N! !DIR!

Similary for files you can add pattern as a set instead of dot, in your case


In Windows :

dir /ad /b /s

dir /a-d /b /s

In Linux, a simple

find . -printf '%y %p\n'

will give you a list of all the contained items, with directories and files mixed. You can save this output to a temporary file, then extract all lines that start with 'd'; those will be the directories. Lines that start with an 'f' are files.

This is an old question, but I thought I'd add something anyhow.

DIR doesn't traverse correctly all the directory trees you want, in particular not the ones on C:. It simply gives up in places because of different protections.

ATTRIB works much better, because it finds more. (Why this difference? Why would MS make one utility work one way and another work different in this respect? Damned if I know.) In my experience the most effective way to handle this, although it's a kludge, is to get two listings:

attrib /s /d C:\ >%TEMP%\C-with-directories.txt

attrib /s C:\ >%TEMP%\C-without-directories.txt

and get the difference between them. That difference is the directories on C: (except the ones that are too well hidden). For C:, I'd usually do this running as administrator.
