View a list of recent documents in Vim

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2019-12-02 15:45:15
Alex Bolotov

Don't use a plugin, unless you want a nice menu. From Vim Documentation: Starting (or :help old):


Then to open one of the listed files, use: '0, '1, '2, ... '9

List the files that have marks stored in the viminfo file.

:bro[wse] ol[dfiles][!]

List file names as with :oldfiles, and then prompt for a number. When the number is valid that file from the list is edited. Use ! to abandon a modified buffer.

The Most Recently Used (MRU) plugin provides an easy access to a list of recently opened/edited files in Vim. This plugin automatically stores the file names as you open/edit them in Vim.

Besides :oldfiles, fzf.vim has :History.

Start Vim and hit Ctrl-o-o to open previously edited file. Keep hitting o (while still pressing the Ctrl key) to cycle back through earlier files. See

vim plugin: minibufexpl may help you. the opened file list is displayed on the top or bottom of the screen:

in vim normal mode, type :b${bufid} to jump to the ${bufid}_th buffer, for example: type :b13 to jump to the 13th buffer, ie. ngx_mail_ssl_module.c.

besidies, you can map some convenient bindings in your vimrc, such as:

" ------------------------------- minibufexpl mappings -----------------------------------
"let g:miniBufExplSplitBelow=1
nnoremap <silent> <leader>bn :bn<cr>
nnoremap <silent> <leader>bp :bp<cr>
nnoremap <silent> <leader>bf :bf<cr>
nnoremap <silent> <leader>bl :bl<cr>
nnoremap <silent> <leader>bt :TMiniBufExplorer<cr>

Get the plugin from here:

In addition to oldfiles there's a nice thing called tinyMRU.

Vim-tinyMRU's only purpose is to provide an intuitive alternative to the built-in :oldfile command. Nothing more, nothing less.

It's very simple:

A good plugin is

You can call :Denite file_old in order to have fuzzy search on the list of old files. In particular, just hitting Enter will re-open the last opened file. Assigning a shortcut to this is useful:

nnoremap <leader>o :Denite<space>file_old<CR>

This saves few keystrokes compared to :browse oldfiles, q, 1, Enter


The easiest way for me to access recent files is to add the following to one's .gvimrc file:

let g:netrw_sort_by           = 'time'

let g:netrw_sort_direction    = 'r'

These lines get netrw to sort files by those most recently modified. Then one simply calls :e. and selects the file one wants.

This solution presupposes files are saved in one main directory so specified in .gvimrc. E.g.

cd ~/vim