I have made an interface using a Free Monad to a generic data store. I want to place the specific interpreter (:: DataStore a -> IO a) chosen by the user at run time into a state monad along with some other information. I cannot seem to put anything into this field in the data structure.
How do I put a value into a field defined as a higher rank type?
Below is a minimum example:
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, DeriveFunctor #-}
data ProgramState = PS { -- line 3
, storageInterface :: (forall a. DataStore a -> IO a)
data DataStoreF next =
Create Asset ( String -> next)
| Read String ( Asset -> next)
| Update Asset ( Bool -> next)
| UpdateAll [Asset] ( Bool -> next)
| [...]
deriving Functor
type DataStore = Free DataStoreF
runMemory :: (IORef (Map String Asset)) -> DataStore a -> IO a
runMemory ms (Pure a) = return a
runMemory ms (Free Create asset next) = [...]
runMemory ms (Free Read str next) = [...]
pickStorageInterface :: IO (DataStore a -> IO a)
pickStorageInterface = do
opts <- parseOptions
case (storage opts) of
MemoryStorage ->
ms <- readAssetsFromDisk
return $ runMemory ms
SomeOtherStorage -> [...]
restOfProgram :: StateT ProgramState IO
restOfProgram = [...]
main = do
si <- pickStorageInterface
let programState = PS { storageInterface = si} -- line 21
evalState restOfProgram programState
When I try to do this GHC complains that:
Main.hs: << Line 21 >>
Couldn't match type `a0' with `a'
because type variable `a' would escape its scope
This (rigid, skolem) type variable is bound by
a type expected by the context: DataStore a -> IO a
at Main.hs <<line 3>>
Expected type: DataStore a -> IO a
Actual type: DataStore a0 -> IO a0
In the `storageInterface' field of a record
My original minimal example was to minimal. Some further experimentation shows that the problem arises when I need to load the interface in an the IO monad so I can read the command line options. I've updated the example to include that issue. Knowing this I may be able to code around it.
Interesting GHCI tells me that the results of a function of type IO (DataStore a -> IO a)
is DataStore GHC.Prim.Any -> IO GHC.Prim.Any
which is not what I expected.
The issue here is that
pickStorageInterface :: forall a. IO (DataStore a -> IO a)
while we would need the (impredicative) type
pickStorageInterface :: IO (forall a. DataStore a -> IO a)
for the code above to work. Alas, the impredicative types are in a sad state now in GHC, and are best to be avoided.
You can work around that using a newtype
wrapper around the universally quantified type:
newtype SI = SI { runSI :: forall a. DataStore a -> IO a }
pickStorageInterface :: IO SI
pickStorageInterface = do
opts <- parseOptions
case (storage opts) of
MemoryStorage ->
ms <- readAssetsFromDisk
return $ SI $ runMemory ms
main = do
si <- pickStorageInterface
let programState = PS { storageInterface = runSI si}