TensorFlow Sigmoid Cross Entropy with Logits for 1D data

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2019-12-02 13:20:40

Both tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(...)) and tf.losses.sigmoid_cross_entropy(...) (with default arguments) are computing the same thing. The problem is in your tests where you use == to compare two floating-point numbers. Instead, use np.isclose method to check whether two floating-point numbers are equal or not:

# loss _should_(?) be the same for 'channels_first' and 'channels_last' data_format
# test example_1
e1 = np.isclose(l1, t_l1.T).all()
# test example 2
e2 = np.isclose(l2, t_l2.T).all()

# loss calculated for each example and then batched together should be the same 
# as the loss calculated on the batched examples
ea = np.isclose(np.array([l1, l2]), bl).all()
t_ea = np.isclose(np.array([t_l1, t_l2]), t_bl).all()

# loss calculated on the batched examples for 'channels_first' should be the same
# as loss calculated on the batched examples for 'channels_last'
eb = np.isclose(bl, np.transpose(t_bl, (0, 2, 1))).all()

e1, e2, ea, t_ea, eb
# (True, True, True, True, True)


l_e1 = np.isclose(tf_l1, rm_l1)
l_e2 = np.isclose(tf_l2, rm_l2)
l_eb = np.isclose(tf_bl, rm_bl)

l_t_e1 = np.isclose(tf_t_l1, rm_t_l1)
l_t_e2 = np.isclose(tf_t_l2, rm_t_l2)
l_t_eb = np.isclose(tf_t_bl, rm_t_bl)

l_e1, l_e2, l_eb, l_t_e1, l_t_e2, l_t_eb
# (True, True, True, True, True, True)