I am preparing a script, which needs to use some images from same folder as the script. The images are to be shown on WinForms GUI.
$imgred = [System.Drawing.Image]::FromFile("red.png")
When I run the ps1 script manually from the folder just by clicking, it loads images and shows them. Unfortuantely I do not remember exactly how I set up this, but as far as I can, it was just the default program to use for ps1 files. When I run the script from a cmd file (to hide the cmd window), it also loads them.
But when I open with Powershell IDE and run it, I get errors and no icons are shown on my GUI. When I open with Powershell it also fails to load them.
The only difference between those run modes I can find is with:
$scriptPath = split-path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
$scriptPath #always same, the location of script
(Get-Location).Path #scriptlocation when icons loaded, system32 folder when unsuccessful load
Same behavior when doing cd $scriptPath, so the current folder is most likely not the guilty one.
I know I can write $scriptPath/red.png in each file read line (FromFile), but what I want is to define it once - the default location for FromFile - and then just have simple filename work regardless of the way I run it.
What is to be changed so the default file reading path is same as my scripts location?
Modifying the default location stack in PowerShell ($PWD
) doesn't affect the working directory of the host application.
To see this in action:
PS C:\Users\Mathias> $PWD.Path
PS C:\Users\Mathias> [System.IO.Directory]::GetCurrentDirectory()
now change location:
PS C:\Users\Mathias> cd C:\
PS C:\> $PWD.Path
PS C:\> [System.IO.Directory]::GetCurrentDirectory()
When you invoke a .NET method that takes a file path argument, like Image.FromFile()
, the path is resolved relative to the latter, not $PWD
If you want to pass a file path relative to $PWD
, do:
$pngPath = Join-Path $PWD "red.png"
If you require a path relative to the executing script, in PowerShell 3.0 and newer you can use the $PSScriptRoot
automatic variable:
$pngPath = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "red.png"
If you need to support v2.0 as well, you could put something like the following at the top of your script:
if(-not(Get-Variable -Name PSScriptRoot)){
$PSScriptRoot = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -Parent
When using PowerShell in interactive mode, you could configure the prompt
function to have .NET
"follow you around" like so:
$function:prompt = {
if($ExecutionContext.SessionState.Drive.Current.Provider.Name -eq "FileSystem"){
"PS $($executionContext.SessionState.Path.CurrentLocation)$('>' * ($nestedPromptLevel + 1)) ";
but I would recommend against that, just get into the habit of providing fully qualified paths instead.