Box2d libgdx, a bit confused about the pixels to meters stuff

社会主义新天地 提交于 2019-12-02 09:42:12

I do like you are doing but might be a little different.

Might be a little overkill but here's my jucl port

jucl/Android - pastebin

Then I just have utility classes ie:

public class Pixel {

    public static float toMeter(float pixels) {
        return (float)LengthConversions.Pixel2SIf(pixels);

    public static Vector2 toMeter(Vector2 vecPixel) {
        return new Vector2(Pixel.toMeter(vecPixel.x), Pixel.toMeter(vecPixel.y));

public class Meter {

    public static final float METERS_PER_PIXEL = (float) LengthConversions.SI_PIXEL;

    public static float toPixel(float meter) {
        return (float)LengthConversions.SI2Pixelf(meter);

In my initialize:

int graphicsWidth =;
int graphicsHeight =;

CAMERA_WIDTH_METERS = Pixel.toMeter(graphicsWidth);
CAMERA_HEIGHT_METERS = Pixel.toMeter(graphicsHeight);

Then in my game classes (like your Player class). In my case it was a pinball game so i have Flipper, Ball, Bumper, etc. I have a @Override render() method where I sync up the sprite with the physics body.

Here's an example file..sry it's messy but might be helpful.

Pinball Engine Class file
