How to remove delay from ngShow initialization? When ng-cloak fails?

谁都会走 提交于 2019-12-02 09:20:06
Jesse Kernaghan

Hide them by default in css, then override when angular loads. The 3-4 second delay could be the time it's taking to fetch and load angular amidst all the other requests you're making (you should check your network panel).

.display-on {
    display: block !important;
    opacity: 1 !important;

ng-class="{'display-on': searchPopoverDisplay}"

I know this has been answered, but I have another solution.

Using the bootstrap.css:

<div class="collapse" ng-class="{'collapse': [falsy after ng evaluates] }"

This will remove the collapse class if required, but it will start off as hidden until angular can evaluate it.

Otherwise use any class that sets display:none, and remove it with ng-class.

To make a div hidden by default and prevent it from being shown before the page is completely loaded, you can add ng-hide to class attribute. E.g.:

<div ng-show="searchPopoverDisplay ng-hide" class="search-popover" ng-cloak>