I was trying to challenge myself to make an ALV report that displays all the data by company code. but some document number has a gap.
I want to fill the gap between missing number
For example:
last index value: 20012 then next value is: 20014
How do I able to insert 20013 in the grid if the report is using all the data that exist in internal tables?
This is just blind text typing, but I hope you are able to understand it ... should be quite simple. Dont expect complete code, unless your are not even providing ANY code.
DATA: lv_current type i,
lv_next type i.
SORT lt_internalTable by BUKRS ascending.
LOOP AT lt_internalTable into ls_internalTable.
MOVE sy-tabix to lv_current.
READ TABLE lt_internalTable into ls_tempinternalTable INDEX sy-tabix + 1.
MOVE sy-tabix to lv_next.
IF (lv_next - lv_current) > 1.
... do your stuff
CLEAR: ls_internalTable, lv_current, lv_next.