I am working on creating a Web application, which the users in my team will use to make changes to TFS Work Items. I am using TFS API for this..
In order to access the TFS Server , I used my credentials within the Web Application.
Now each time someone uses the application and makes changes to TFS work items, it shows as if I have made changes to these items since my credentials are being used in the application.
Is there a way I can use the credentials of the person logging into my application to show up on TFS as the person making the changes ?
You need to use the 'make requests on behalf of others' functionality. You can impersonate another user by following:
public void Impersonation(Uri serverUri,string userToImpersonate)
// Read out the identity of the user we want to impersonate
TeamFoundationIdentity identity = ims.ReadIdentity(IdentitySearchFactor.AccountName,
tfs_impersonated = new TfsTeamProjectCollection(serverUri, identity.Descriptor);
// Use this tfs_impersonated object to communicate to TFS as the other users.
And make sure your account running the website has the permission to "make requests on behalf of others":