JOOQ How to convert JSON based on other column value?

落花浮王杯 提交于 2019-12-02 05:24:59

You obviously cannot do this in a type safe way as the type of your preferences column would be Field<RegularCustomerPreferences | PremiumCustomerPreferences> (the union type), and Java doesn't currently support union types. So, you could bind a common CustomerPreferences super type to the column, perhaps, and downcast the value wherever it is consumed.

Binding the super type should be relatively easy. You will be implementing a Binding<Object, CustomerPreferences>, which can handle both RegularCustomerPreferences and PremiumCustomerPreferences values. Specifically, your converter would look something like this:

public Converter<Object, CustomerPreferences> converter() {
    return new Converter<Object, CustomerPreferences>() {
        public CustomerPreferences from(Object t) {
            if (some check here to see if this is a regular customer)
                return new RegularCustomerPreferences(t);
                return new PremiumCustomerPreferences(t);

        public Object to(CustomerPreferences u) {
            return MyJSONTools.toJSON(u);

        public Class<Object> fromType() {
            return Object.class;

        public Class<CustomerPreferences> toType() {
            return CustomerPreferences.class;

The assumption here is that your JSON content allows for making the decision what type the JSON document should have, redundantly with the type column, because currently, as of version 3.11 and 3.12, jOOQ doesn't support multi-column data type bindings which read several values to base their data type conversion decisions on. This is a pending feature related to:
